Any of you who knit or crochet will know what I mean by frogging. Remember that sweater I started using popcorn stitch. Well, I decided I just didn't like it and did the rippit, rippit, rippit thing - more commonly known as frogging. I started another sweater using that same yarn..and I like it much better. But, as these things go, I got a request for a white sweater to be given as a Christmas present - so I have put the first one (intended for myself - therefore lower on the priority scale) aside and started a plain white sweater in a nice, soft boucle yarn. Pics to follow. Then, while I was working diligently on the white sweater, I received a notice in the mail that there will be a bazaar at the long-term care home where my mother-in-law stays. They are looking for donations of baked goods (probably none coming from here!), hand-crafted items or other things that they could use at their bazaar. So, I went searching in my finished-goods bin to see what I had that I could send. I managed to collect one large plastic bag, plus one smaller one. These are items that I made from time to time, from odds and ends. Most of them are baby items, since those are small enough to use up odd bits of yarn. Hopefully these things will benefit the home and people looking for gift items.
Last time Munchie was up - for his Birthday / Thanksgiving dinner he was getting ready to leave for home, when he noticed Poppa's new truck sitting in the garage. Typical of little boys everywhere, he was quite taken with it and wanted to explore further to see if it met his high standards for vehicles worthy of transporting small people. Here he is sitting in the driver's seat and checking out the toys. He was sure that the horn should honk if he pressed just the right place on this steering wheel, but he never did manage to figure out just where to push. He was quite taken with the truck though and spent the whole trip back home trying to convince Daddad that he should buy a truck. I don't think he had any luck there either, but he can always have a ride with Poppa when he is at Poppa's house. Of course, he's going to have to grow a tad before he can actually drive it!
Here is the latest in Uncle Shaun's abandoned series. With relentless vigilance, he still finds these great shots. This is the autumn example. See the fallen leaf in the lower right? See how it matches the colour on the abandoned coffee cup? Uncle Shaun has a great eye for photography and as usual I love the abandoned series.
The pictures are a little dark, the lighting at my work station (Hee- or armchair) are not ideal for taking pictures, but I don't want to move the stuff out of my area, until they are all finished and ready to go. Poppa is here waiting for his breakfast, so I'd better run along and get it for him....besides Squeegie is starving, and there's nothing worse than a hungry bear!