Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Short and Sweet

A few pictures that I didn't get into my last post.  This is one of my favourites!  Here is Mumma with Poppa and me.  She looks soooo pretty!  I think Daddad and Munchkin were both quite proud of her - and I know that Poppa and Nanna were both proud and happy for her on this important day!   She was very busy, taking time to chat with everyone - and we were glad there was time to take some pictures. Once more, I have to say thank you to Granny for catching many of these minutes on camera - so we could enjoy them for a long, long time.  She did such a good job, and is so kind to share them with me.

And, here is Daddad with Gramma and, in case you weren`t sure who the little person is, that would be Munchie!  Gramma looks happy and proud of both of them.  Daddad was looking particularly handsome and, of course, Munchie looked extremely handsome too.  I think I can see a distinct resemblance between the three of them.  And, see the beautiful lake behind them - Gramma wakes up to that view every day.  Her bedroom overlooks the lake.  She has sliding glass doors that lead to a balcony, where she can sit and read or just relax to the sound of waves - how wonderful!

Here is an absolutely delightful addition to Uncle Shaun`s Abanconed Series.  Auntie Colleen pointed out for me how even the Tim Horton`s cup has its fall colours on - which are complimented perfectly by the mums in the background.  The fall colours are just starting to turn up on the trees around our house.  I`m guessing that in another couple of weeks it will very pretty - maybe Uncle Shaun will find another abandoned object near a pretty coloured maple tree so I can post another picture for you!

Now, just in case you looked at those wedding pictures and decided that Munchkin was getting quite grown up - here is a photo taken yesterday where he is displaying his cuteness and looking like the little Munchie that we are more familiar with!  He is waiting for Mumma to rescue him from his crib and take him out for something to eat - and I can see the smile of anticipation in his big, blue eyes. 

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Main Event!

I took some time today (Sunday) and downloaded Granny's pictures to my computer....so now I can share some of the moments.  Daddad got all dressed up - just like Munchie....they were look-a-likes for the day!  Here is Daddad - and if you look at the picture to the right you can see Munchie all dressed up too!  Aren't they both handsome little devils?!? Mumma also got all dressed and ready - and she looked beautiful, as Poppa got ready to walk her down the aisle!Here are a few of the special guests who travelled to Gramma's house to celebrate with Daddad and Mumma.  Of course there was Granny and Gramps.  Auntie Marcia and Uncle Joszef were also there.  Auntie Melissa was taking pictures from all kinds of crazy angles, while Uncle Russ kept a close eye on Cousin Reese, and Cousin Taylor was a beautiful flower girl.  Auntie Denise, Aunt Pauline and Aunt Jeannie were all in attendance and they all looked lovely.  Reese's Grandma and Grandpa were there too!Mumma and Dadda met the Minister on Gramma's beach and the ceremony got under way.  At the appropriate time, Munchie delivered the rings to them to make things official.  The vows were said, and the marriage was complete!  They both look so happy!  It was lovely!While Auntie Melissa took photos from every possbile angle and some unusal perspectives!Munchie watched with glee and tried to join in the service by proudly chattering so that  everyone would know they belonged to him!Once the bride and groom were pronounced husband and wife they moved to the gazebo in Gramma's backyard (which is really, really, nice!) where they signed the required documents and sat down to have dinner.  The food was absolutely delicious, but they no sooner got sitting down when guests picked up their spoons and  glasses began to tinkle for the customary kiss!They happily obliged while the admiring audience clapped and Munchie crowed with delight!As you may have guessed it was beginning to cool down out on the beach, by the time dinner was completed.  Mamma donned her jacket and went for a dance with Dadda.Then after a long day of being separated from little Munchie, Mumma took advantage of a couple of free moments (before she started to circulate amoung the guests for a brief chat with everyone) to spend some time with her little ring-bearer.Shortly thereafter, Munchie got tired of the whole affair and decided to retire for the night.  At that point, the party began and everyone was having a good time!  Many thanks to Granny for the pictures!  More tomorrow!

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Granny Maureen came through big-time and posted a lot of wonderful wedding pictures.  I'm working on getting them downloaded to my computer, but it is a slow process - she did a wonderful job and caught some precious moments.  Before we look at those, I thought I would show you some of the preparation that Gramma and Auntie Melissa undertook to get everything ready and special for the big day.  Here is Mumma and Daddad the night before, making sure they are relaxed by the time the big day arrives.  As you can see, they both look pretty happy  about the whole thing.

Poppa's three sisters, Auntie Denise, Aunt Pauline and Aunt Jeannie all arrived on Friday afternoon and met up with Poppa and myself at the motel, which was just 5 minutes away from Gramma's house and therefore, an excellent place for us to hang up our good clothes and sleep for the night.  We all visited, since our rooms were adjoining, and had a nice evening before turning in for the night.  Early the next morning, we all got together and went out for breakfast at a rather nice place downtown. 

Later, Gramma, Auntie Melissa and Taylor were joined by Poppa to decorate the backyard appropriately.   The flowers had arrived and were inspected and admired.  Gramma was busy putting decorative touches on the gazebo where the guests of honour would be signing the marriage documents and later having their celebratory dinner - you can see it in the background.  Auntie Melissa and cousin Taylor were putting ribbons and bows all over the place - anywhere they could think of - it was so pretty! Mumma was inside getting ready while Daddad was filling up the beer coolers, with a little interference from Nanna - she kept pretending to be taking them out as fast as Daddad put them in, but of course, he did get them all filled up   Poppa worked on the projects that were up higher than any of the ladies could reach - including stringing some lights around the verandah at the back of Gramma's house - where the dancing would take place later in the day.  I think everyone had fun decorating, and the end result was just perfect.    The caterers came and set up chairs on the beach for all the guests.  
Pretty soon it was time for Poppa and me to go back to the motel and get ourselves ready.  Poppa helped Taffy get her pretty dress on, and the ribbons on her ballet shoes tied up just right.  I helped Squeegie get into his nice blue outfit.  Then Poppa and I got ourselves ready.  The three Aunts got into their car so they could follow us over to Gramma's and the great event was ready to get underway.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Gramma Says.....

She has had a busy day with Munchie. They went to the grocery store and a wagon ride and had a wonderful day together. Uncle Craig showed Munchie how to use the music equipment too! Gramma says he was soooo tired that he went to bed happily at 7 o'clock. She had heard from Mumma and Dadda. They were enjoying the food and the chance to have some special time together.

I haven't taken the time to download any pictures yet....seemed that we were busy all day today too. And.............the new season of House started tonight and I just had to see it! Hopefully tomorrow morning I will wake up bright and early and find some spare time! Until then...sweet dreams all!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

We're Home - They're Married!

We arrived home earlier this evening...kinda worn out from all the excitement and the travelling. Everything turned out fine and everyone had a good time. Mamma called me from their secret honeymoon place tonight - they were tired and hadn't explored at all...the new bride and groom had arrived safely at their destination and had called Gramma to confirm that Munchie had settled down for the night. I didn't take the time to download any pictures off the camera. I didn't get a lot of them, because my role for the day was keeping an eye on Munchie - which didn't lend itself to picture taking. But, the good news is that, as usual, Granny Maureen was madly snapping away...so I'm hoping she will send me some to share with you. Also, Auntie Melissa was doing the official photography, so I'm hoping I will get some from her as well.... but they will probably take quite a while. Right now, I'm off to bed - in my very own, comfortable bed with my very own poofy pillows - Yes! Good Night All!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What's Up?

Well...there is actually a lot happening these days. I have been busy at work, since there has been some staff away for one reason or another, and some in training - leaving a larger work load than normal. It has been a busy time - but rather fun, since I get the chance to do some things that I don't normally do any more. It keep life interesting and provides a bit more challenge than the usual stuff that I do all the time. Munchie wondered why I hadn't been down to visit the last two time that Poppa went, and decided he would hone up his computer skills to see if he could come to give me a hand. It looks like he is getting quite good at it, and Mamma was telling me that he has the knack of turning his computer off and on again fine-tuned - as well as the ability to turn up the volume. That sounds like a good start and I'm sure he will be helping me in no time! Maybe, he will be able to post some blogs for me, since I seem to be hopelessly lax lately.

We went wild last weekend and actually made it to the flower shop and bought a couple of plants for our front patio - you know the one that Poppa worked so hard on - and then we ran out of time to make it beautiful. The end result isn't exactly perfect, but at least it cheers it up and gives us an idea of what we want to do for next year. I am especially fond of the little red flowers on the table - I have no idea what kind of plant it is, and it was ridiculously expensive, but it looks just like I wanted it to. The large pot of mums was just an easy fall choice and provides lot of colour.

Here are the bears, first thing in the morning - getting ready to start their day. We had a hard time getting them rousted out - they were snuggled up together and were nice and warm. Squeegie complained bitterly that it was chilly in the bedroom and he didn't want to get out from under the covers. They look kinda cute, but it was time to get going, so we had to haul them out and convince them to get dressed.

Auntie Colleen has been really busy lately, making cards for a big event that is coming up, so I haven't gotten as many pictures as I'm used to. So I looked through the file folder with all her pictures in it, and decided to share this one with you. Auntie Colleen and Uncle Shaun like to collect quirky and unusual birdhouses. They have a local artist's shop that they visit in the spring, where they usually discover a new, wonderful addition. I'm not sure when they got this specimen - but I love it for its uniqueness. According to the dialogue that came with the photo, it is empty and available for an equally unique bird family to move into.

Regarding that important event that is looming on the horizon..... on Saturday, September 19th, 2009 ...... Mamma and Daddad are taking the plunge and getting married! Gramma is being more than generous and providing her own beach for the ceremony........and allowing all the guests to converge on her backyard. The dress had been bought and altered. Arrangements have been made for suitable attire for Daddad and Munchie. Now - we are all awaiting the big day. I will be sure to get lots of pictures - although I may have to ask Granny Maureen to help me with that, since I have been assigned the task of keeping an eye on Munchie while Mamma and Daddad are otherwise occupied. Since Granny Maureen is great with both the camera and the kids - I am thinking I will ask for her assistance that day. Now we are all praying for good weather and sunny skies for the bride-to-be and her special fiance! And here is our little family - all together in Gramma's pool.
We finally got the bears dressed and into the car for a trip
into town for breakfast. Of course, we got them all settled into the car and then Poppa thought of a thousand little things he had to do, just before we left. Squeegie and Taffy sat in the car -
Squeegie quite impatiently - and little Taffy quite patiently - and waited until Poppa was ready and then we headed into town. Of course, by then, Squeegie was starving and wanted a hungry-man breakfast.
Finally, here is a picture of Poppa with his much-loved and prized 2001 Lincoln Continental. For those of you who are not car-buffs - Ford no longer makes Continentals. They have introduced several new models - which of course, are smaller and more fuel-efficient - in keeping with today's trends. After much thought and consideration, Poppa decided that since we could no longer get parts for his Continental, and having them specially fabricated is costly, that it was time to deal the car for a new vehicle. He went and picked up his new vehicle today. He stopped in to show Mamma and Munchkin before he brought it home. I took it for a little spin. And, then Poppa, Squeegie and Taffy all climbed in and went into town to show Kev-Inn. Due to all this activity, I didn't have time to get any pictures of the new one for you - but I will do that - probably after the wedding.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Growing Season

It appears that the growing season is coming to an end. The flowers are beginning to fade and the leaves are just starting to turn colour. The trees will soon look beautiful, but I always wish summer wouldn't end. It was a good summer for the growing thing, lots of rain and not a lot of sweltering weather to dry out their soil. Right now, one of the rose bushes is still absolutely gorgeous, but the rest of the flowers are not looking so vibrant. Poppa's little tree farm seems to be preparing for the cold winter - they are not growing any more and the little leaves are beginning to dry - they did quite well over the summer though.

The one growing thing remaining is our little Munchkin - who appears to be thriving. He loves the flowers - I wonder what he will think of the snow. He probably won't be able to get down and crawl around in the snow, like he was in the grass. He came for a visit recently and while crawling over to examine a flower bed found the biggest, hairiest caterpillar I had ever seen - so I had to bring that adventure to an end ever so quickly - before he picked it up and squeezed! Since I was in charge at that moment I didn't catch it on film. This is a shot from his last visit to Poppa's house, before the infamous hair-cut. You can see how he is growing. It is amazing how much he has changed in his 10 months of the life experience. It is hard to imagine that just that short time ago he was a warm, little bundle who ate and slept - and stayed in one place when you put him down!

I haven't gotten much knitting done. The cover-up is still growing slowly, but very slowly it seems. One of the girls at work is off on sick leave for another week, so I've been filling in. Kev-Inn was also off. He spent his time off helping Poppa put a new roof on the tool shed. I was at work doing Kev-Inn's stuff, so I didn't get a picture, but here they are throwing out the old shingles at a local disposal site. I thought they looked really cute with their hard hats on!

Another of the girls at work is leaving to pursue another opportunity. She was looking pensive in this shot I took. I can't imagine what she was thinking! We're going to miss her a lot - she always kept us laughing with her tales of wedding showers, family get-togethers and ex-wives. She is one of those people who always adds some sunshine to the day - even when she's having a bad day, she makes others smile. Good Luck! Oh yes, and just before she left I did catch her smiling! She's pretty too!

Here is another shot from one of our Sunday drives. I love this part of the country. It is north of where we live in a large expanse of crown land that runs along a fast-flowing river. The greenery grows with wild abandon for humanity. There is a good chance of espying all sorts of wild life and in the fall the area resounds with the crack of gun shots while hunters seek trophies and food. But, at this time of year it is peaceful and alluring. One of my favourite spots at any time of the year. Wouldn't this make an amazing, challenging jigsaw puzzle?!?