Friday, June 28, 2019

More Knitting

The weather has been so chilly.....
.... that in the middle of March, Taffy was still wearing her winter clothes!  And since it wasn't nice enough to do too much...
... I just kept on knitting!  Blankets use up lots of yarn and I'm still trying to use up some of my stash (so I can get more new yarn!)...
... and this blanket turned out quite nicely - all made from stash yarn - except for the white.  I liked it, so when I got it finished....
.... I took it to the hospital and Auntie Cecile sent me this photo of it on display in the tuck shop.  On the right side of the photo you can see a couple of lovely crocheted blankets made by another volunteer - so pretty! She also sent this picture.....
... where you can see some of my other projects also hanging, along with some items made by other folks.  Last time I was in they were all gone except for a couple of items.  Soon....
.... I found myself sewing a lace border on another blanket (can you tell I enjoy knitting that heart pattern on baby blankets?😊) ... I liked this one even more.....
... and once again I didn't buy any yarn - and my stash was getting smaller - so I ordered some more!

While I waited for it to arrive, I decided it was time for a change of pace.  With the stash and springtime in my mind, I created this little sweater and hat.  Then,
... still with those things in mind I made another little sweater.  When I look at this one I picture a little person in the garden with a packet of seeds in one pocket and a little spade in their hand.
Kevin popped in for a visit one day - he brought Teddy with him - Teddy loves Poppa so they had a snuggle.  I think Kevin really came to show me this picture...
....... to prove to me that he actually got a wild turkey when he was hunting!  I'm still waiting for a drumstick!

What is Poppa doing???

Oh... I mentioned to him one day, that my Dyson stick wasn't working properly - he took it all apart and cleaned all the pieces - it is working just fine now!

Here is another picture....
.. taken on May 28th - as you can see, the bears are still wearing warm clothing - still not very springlike weather - but at least the snow has gone.

I guess the most important thing that happened since I last posted....
....... you can see in this and the following picture.  This one was taken sometime prior to the end of March.....
... and this one was taken April 2nd.  Can you spot the difference???

Oh yes..........
... I finished one more blanket.  This one has fuzzy yarn in the borders and each white zig-zag - but you can't really tell in this picture.  You can tell I was using up smaller bits of yarn from the stash - as each stripe is a different size!  What fun!