Monday, October 7, 2019

One More....

...before I move to my knitting chair to watch TV and do some serious knitting - I'm way behind on my hospital projects!

Auntie Cecile sent me this picture quite a while ago - you can see some of the things I knit and sent to the hospital on display.
And one of the blankets on the left side of this picture, as well as a couple of really nice crocheted blankets donated by a crocheter!
Kev-Inn dropped in for a brief visit recently to share this photo with us.  He actually (finally!), after quite a few years trying, got a wild turkey.  I haven't gotten any yet...
maybe I shouldn't hold my breath.  He brought....
... Teddy with him - Poppa gets along well with Teddy - I think they're both kinda cute!
Oh-oh!  This looks a lot like another instance of my kitchen island becoming a work bench..........
......well - he's fixing my Dyson (again!).  Thank you Poppa.
Here is another blanket destined for the hospital tuck shop.

Summer Pics

Sorry for the long delay - we were away on vacation.  My goal now is to get caught up so I can post pictures from that vacation (it was pretty amazing!).  So........
It is a lot cooler already and Taffy has some of her warmer clothes  on!
This is an older picture from last spring - Curtie and Poppa at McDonalds enjoying their time together!
And when Curtie came to visit in the summer, he practiced his baseball pitching with Poppa in the little park.
They played together on Poppa's laptop - I think they were doing jigsaw puzzles.  On to another topic....
... remember Poppa's nice tidy garage??  Well...
... he started a new project and needed his extra-long extension cord to use his grinder to take off the peeling paint on the iron fence in front of our complex.  If you look carefully, you can see that it was starting to look pretty shoddy in places and he decided he could do it.  As  you can also see, one of the other owners offered to help - the same lady who helped with the small fence at the botton of the new out-side stairs.

While he was working on that, I finished another blanket.  It started out with a lace border, but after pressing it - the border was too long, so the blanket ended up with a lacy ruffle.  Taffy really liked it!