Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Also in the Spring...

 ... Mommy, Daddy, Munchie and Curtie all went for a very small vacation.  

..... while they were gone, I ventured into Wal-Mart with my mask on to pick up a few groceries.  Since Easter, Taffy had wanted a rabbit, but Poppa said she didn't "need" a rabbit.  As I was getting ready to leave (Poppa had gone to Home Depot, and was coming to pick me up), I passed by a large bin full of rabbits left over from Easter.  The sign said 75% off - so I thought I should stop and have a quick look.  Most of the rabbits were too large for Taffy, so I dug down to the bottom!  Ta-da!  I found this small pink rabbit - just the right size.  I couldn't find a price tag, but thought at 75% off, she couldn't cost too much!  So I took her to the checkout with me, paid my bill and went out to find Poppa.  When I got home, I checked my bill - the little fuzzy rabbit had cost me $1.75!!!  Wow - what a deal.  Of course, she needed some clothes and ear ribbons - so Taffy went looking and found this little outfit at the bottom of Taffy's pj drawer - perfect!  Then Taffy chose some ear ribbons to match - more perfect!  With "perfect" in mind we searched for an appropriate name for our new little family addition... those of you who knew my mother will understand why we chose............... GRACIE...!
Meanwhile - back to that vacation.  Mommy, Daddy and the boys went to visit Aunt Muffy!!

And here is a picture of our two daughters together after a long stretch of not seeing each other in person!  Muffy is still a fair bit taller than Annie!  Aren't they beautiful!  I love them both dearly!

Missing Pictures!

 I have spent several days searching for missing pictures, still haven't found them, so I'll try to fill in the blanks with words instead!  I had a couple of photographs of Poppa putting the stain on those beautiful oak stairs he built to the basement, but we'll have to skip to....

Here is Taffy and Gracie posing on the new basement stairs that Poppa built.....

.... and here is Squishie waiting for Poppa to get home from the golf course on  the main floor stairs that we hired a professional to do!  I think Poppa's version is even better!

Another day Squishie perched on the arm of Poppa's chair to watch him out in the back yard working on the grass to make it greener!  In May of 2020....

..... Mommy's lilac bush looked like this!
Poppa's daffodils were flowering....
Poppa was cleaning his golf cart...
...and cleaning his golf cart....
....and all of his clubs... he was soon ready to go... now all he had to do was wait for the golf club to prepare for golfers in the midst of a pandemic!

Since the boys were not in school, they self-isolated with Mommy for two weeks and then came for a visit!  It was so nice to see them and we all enjoyed the visit!

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Have you guessed?

 Have you guessed what Poppa's new project was?  I'll give you a few details....

He put on a mask (this was pre-COVID) and got out his skill saw - after removing all the old carpet, as you saw in the last post!) and started trimming all the edges and the stair treads.
I was constantly worrying about his fingers.........
.......but, he assured me he would not cut them off because he still needed them to finish this project.
When he was done he vacuumed up all the sawdust and picked up all the little pieces of wood he had sawed off.

Then he did some extra trimming along the edges to make them perfect.
He took a break and went out to pick up some twigs and put the patio furniture back out.  And - apparently had a small visitor from next door looking for a treat!  Her name is Maggie - isn't she cute!
Here is a picture from the top showing all that bare wood.

AND!!!!! Here is a picture from the top showing all the new oak stair treads being put in place!  More later!

Saturday, August 15, 2020

A New Project?

 In my efforts to get caught up, I am posting two new blogs today!  I am up to February 2020 now....

We got lots of snow in our area in February - which kept Poppa busy outside shovelling for long periods of time!  Yes - the condo corp. hires a crew to come in and shovel, but some days it just kept on snowing and snowing.  Obviously, the hired crew also had other sites to clear the snow and Poppa worries about the owners who live in the large center building who have to navigate up and down those stairs to come and go.  So.... he tries to keep the stairs and the walkways clear.  This kept him outside and....

... gave me lots of time to knit!  I had some pretty deep peach yarn suitable for baby outfits - so I made this one.
Green is one of my favourite colours - so this outfit came next.
Since the two other outfits definitely looked girlie, I thought I should create something boy-ish and chose some variegated yarn highlighted by a complimentary brown to create this one.

But - what is Poppa doing now???

A Short One

To finish hooking up the plumbing, Poppa had to make a portal in the kitchen ceiling.  When he was done, he put a little access panel over the opening and now I have to squint to find it when I look up.
This is a close-up of the Spiderman doll I made to go with the Spiderweb blanket.

And this is a close-up of the spider in the center.  It is attached with a button and can be removed easily so it can be a toy.
 And this is the finished blanket.  Now on to the next project!

Friday, August 14, 2020

Answer to Questions....

 The thing in the kitchen that Squishie is looking at is one of three humidifiers that Poppa sets up during the winter when the furnace tends to dry out the air in the house!

I am happy to report that Bob (David and Allison's son) has recovered and is healthy, happy and was back to work last time I asked - of course that was before COVID-19 struck the world.

Here is a cute picture of Squeegie and Happy in their matching Mickey Mouse outfits from the last year we were in Florida!  Aren't they just too cute!

Another Poppa Project


A snapshot of Lauren that Auntie Pauline sent me - she is sleeping peacefully under the blanket I knit for her. Awww!
This is another blanket being made on request for the little brother of the young lady who wanted a Peppa Pig.  His favourite character is Spiderman - hence a large spider web blanket!
What is Poppa doing now?  Well, first the place where he is perched used to contain an old, well-used bathtub.  That's your clue!
He has a lot of stuff spread out on his vanity.
He appears to be perched on a stool working on the drywall..
More stuff in the opposite corner of his bathroom.
Squishie in one of Squeegie's favourite spots - waiting for Poppa to appear!
Squishie and Taffy watching TV in Poppa's chair, while he works!

The gang watching TV in the evening.  (I know enough bear pictures - but they are SO cute!)
And here is Poppa's finished project.  He wanted a shower with jet sprays, so that's what he install in his bathroom!  It looks lovely and brightens up that smallish bathroom.
He even put a little glass shelf in the corner to put his shampoo and soap.
A better look at the fancy shower head/panel.  And that project is finished - I wonder what he will do next???

Thursday, August 13, 2020

A Quick Leap to 2020

 There wasn't a lot happening from October to December - because I didn't take a lot of pictures!  So here's a quick peek.....

We had a surprise visit from Lauren in early December - she is growing so quickly!  I think she looks like her Grandma Jeannie!
I made another blanket with some leftover yarn I had from other projects - that way I can make space for more yarn.  I did darn in that stray yarn at the bottom before I sent the blanket to the hospital!
It had turned quite cold in the middle of December and Squishie found that Squeegie's snowsuit fit him quite well!
He also honed up his computer skills with some help from Poppa!

And - best of all - we had Mommy, Daddy, Munchie and Curtie here for a quick Christmas visit, including a trip to Swiss Chalet for Christmas dinner!  It is always so nice to see them!  Whew!  Now I'm off to look for 2020 pictures!

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

A Whole Lot of Catching Up!

 As you may have noticed - I am very far behind in my posts!  I am still going through all my UK photos.  I have posted the highlights for you - but will probably still find photos I want to share - so don't be surprised if you find a pic of someplace in the UK from time to time!

This is just one to make you smile if you are familiar with the knitting habits of a knitting addict (like me!).

Taffy is still modelling each new outfit she gets - this is her latest night-time fashion.

Poppa couldn't wait to get his yard looking like a photo from a gardening magazine!

This is a close-up of the centerpiece I created for Aunt Jeannie's new blanket.

And this is the blanket - finished!

What is Popa doing now??

I would like to introduce you to the newest member of our Bear Family.  Squeegie (as you may have noticed!) was getting very used-looking and losing his genral shape, not to mention he was getting less fuzzy all the time.  So.... with some sadness, we decided that he should retire - but that left Poppa with an empty chilly space when he was lounging in his chair.  So, we started searching for a suitable replacement.  It was no small feat!  We looked in every store that had bears, but it took a long time to find the right one.  Then, while at Shoppers' Drug Mart one day - in the midst of their Valentine's Day display - there sat Squishie!!!  Poppa and I both loved him at first site - so he came home with us!

Dressed in some of Squeegie's clothes, learning how to use the computer and keeping a close eye on everything Poppa was doing - he soon fit right in!  I'm sure you will see more of him later!

We weren't home very long (from our UK visit) when I heard a noise in the backyard....

.... you guessed it!  Poppa was outside raking leaves!

I made this blanket for the daughter of an employee at Aunt Jeannie's residence.

She also wanted a Peppa Pig - so I made this one and gave it a small balnket of its own.

See how well Squishie fits in with Taffy and Char-Lee?  

While Squeegie enjoys his retirement sitting with Mikey in his own lounge chair beside Poppa's!