Monday, April 29, 2019

And so on.....

Here is ......
...Squeegie making sure he doesn't get covered in dust while Poppa works on the floor in his bedroom - as you can see it is almost done!  
Soon the plastic came off the bed (and off Squeegie) and you can see how nicely the floor turned out!
Soon he was working in the hall....and shortly after that....
.... my room was finished too!  We are quite pleased with the finished product and don't miss the carpet at all!  (You wouldn't believe how much dust and stuff came out of that carpet as Poppa dragged it out - and it was vacuumed regularly!)
While my room was getting done, Charlee came downstairs and posed with Taffy for this picture.  He doesn't come down very often and it seemed like an adventure to him!  Of course...
.... then Squeegie wanted his picture taken with Charlee too!  And, while all that was going on....
....... I was busy with another project.