Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Vacation ....

At the end of June - just before school was done - Mommy and Daddy took the little boys for a vacation (while Daddy could get some time off!)....

...... with Grandma they rented a cottage in Muskoka - this is the view from the cottage!  Wow!  Nice picture Mommy!
They had lots of fun in and around the water and...
...of course they helped with the chores!  They are doing the dishes - no dishwasher there I guess!  I am told they had a great time and it was a relaxing break from the routine of working and going to school!  While they were there....
.... I knitted this little outfit for Lauren - that is to be the name of Aunt Jeannie's first grandchild (provided the ultra-sound didn't lie and the baby is a girl!).  Auntie Pauline had a big shower for Travis and Nicole, as well as Baby Lauren, in the clubhouse at the golf course (where Poppa golfs!).  It was really good - there were a lot of us as well as Nicole's family.  Now we are just awaiting news from the city to advise us of the arrival near the beginning of August!

Friday, July 12, 2019

Golf Anyone?

Last year Poppa went golfing for the first time about the middle of April.  This year - finally - on May 10th.........
... he headed into the garage to clean his clubs up in preparation for this year.
He checked his golf bag out carefully to see how it fared during the cold weather...
..... then when satisfied that all was well, he loaded them into the car....
......... ready to head to the golf course.  Finally, I get some peace and quiet to get something done ( and more time for knitting!).  As you can tell by the long pants and light jacket that he is wearing - it was still rather chilly then, in fact....
.... it was still chilly enough for Taffy to be wearing her sweater and bunny slippers while she chatted on the phone!
But, it was mild enough that Poppa had started working on his front flower display!  Hurray!