Sunday, April 30, 2017

Behind Again!

Hello from Canada!  Yes - we are back home.... but I've got some catching up to do!  We've been really busy and we both got nasty colds with even nastier coughs - and haven't been performing at our best!  Obviously, it even affected my blogging!  So.....back in Florida..........
.... Taffy and Squeegie were hanging out in the palm tree at the front of the house, just enjoying the nice Florida weather, while....
.......... Poppa was doing some of the same, in between....
.... replacing the batteries in the smoke detectors, and....
.... finishing up the light fixtures, including....
......... the light fixtures in the lanai.....
........ and the lawn furniture.  After a while.....
...... it got too hot outside, so he came back in and wiped down the kitchen cupboards, while.....
......... I freshened up the paint on two of Liz's garden critters,
....... Squeegie ate Poppa's dessert and drank his tea!
I finished these and called them Silly Browns.  Yep - I'm working on using up odds and ends of skeins again.  I dropped all the brown bits into a plastic baggie, then got Poppa to grab randomly from the bag, and that is the colour I used until it ran out, then he grabbed another one - the picture shows you the results!  I also,
....started packing up some of our stuff in anticipation of the drive home, which was becoming more imminent with each passing hour!  Back at home........
.... Aunt Muffy had another visitor.  They played some games at the kitchen table....
...... took a break so Mommy could get a photograph for me!  This is Munchie and Muffy!