Sunday, June 26, 2016

Still Going Strong!

So, we left Poppa working on the patio at the back of the house, and with some flowers sitting on the front landing, so.....
............ when Poppa wasn't helping me with the dishwashing, he was.....
........... working at finishing off the patio, to make it a pleasant place for me to sit and read or knit on a nice day.  As you can see, it is usually shady out there and it is a very nice, quiet spot for those activities.  He did a wonderful job, didn't he???  The weather has been almost perfect..........
..... enough so that Poppa could open both the front doors to let in the fresh air and some light, while also making it easier for him to carry all those planters, and plants through to the patio.  Of course, he had some flowers left over............
....... so he dressed up the front of the condo too.  Of course, since then, the flowers and plants have all grown tremendously, so I'll get you a newer picture soon.  When he as all finished, he cleaned up all his tools and came back into the house with..............
.............. a bucket of bears!  They had all been outside watching him!  Finally, after supper...........
............ he took a break and did some puzzles.  Speaking of eating..........
........ Mommy recently sent me this adorable picture of  Curtie and Munchie.  They appear to have inherited her taste for Oreos - always one of her favorite things, even after she moved away from home!  And, speaking of Mommy............
............ I received this large, beautiful bouquet of flowers from Daddy, Mommy and the boys, for my birthday (which is long over now!).  Thank you to all of you!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Finally - A New Post

I recently found....
.... Squeegie looking out the sliding door at the back of the condo.  Of course, I went to see what was going on.
There was Poppa down on his knees (the same knees he has been visiting medical professionals about, in hopes of decreasing the pain he experiences when walking and climbing stairs!).  He had created.....
.... a special gizmo, so that he could ensure that his project would be perfectly level.  He started....
.......... by removing the sod from an area along the edge of the existing patio.  Then.........
....... he put some sand on top of the soil and carefully used his magnificent invention to level it to the same depth as the existing patio slabs, then afterwards, precisely laid new half-slabs to extend the patio a few inches.
Once all the half-slabs were laid, he got out the power-washer and used it on the patio - can  you see the huge difference it made?  I couldn't believe they were so dirty!
Alas!  Remember the pretty tulips at the front??  Taffy was lamenting that they were losing their petals and wishing they would last forever - and feeling rather sad about them dying.  Next thing you know..........
........ I catch the two of them sliding down the bannister and staring out the front door at......
....... some pretty flowers that had appeared on the front walkway!