Friday, September 22, 2017

Munchie - Last Chapter of 2017

I just have to share this blurry photo as we move ahead.....
... it is hard to hide from Nanna when this is the only spot available!  What a little rascal!  But that was the last shot at our house, the next one....
...... was at the Bass Pro Shop where we dropped him off with Mommy, and he headed back home to get ready for school days!  Then I finished up a knitting project .......
........ I had been working on for a staff member at Aunt Jeannie's residence who is awaiting the arrival of a little girl in October.  While Squeegie....
.............. in his favourite outfit (he named the little bear "Bubba"),
......... perched on one of the shelves - he is in the orange oval on the left.............
........ supervising while Poppa cleaned up the garage.....
.......... and Taffy had a bath and a tumble dry - she loves it -see the smile on her face??

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Munchie - Chapter 3

Okay - the best day for Munchie (and maybe Poppa too!), was the day we took him to this place....
.......... what were Poppa and Munchie buying tickets for?  Well here is your clue....
Yep - Poppa took him to the Go-Kart place........Munchie wasn't tall enough to ride the big Karts by himself, even though he met the age criteria!  So, first....
... he had to ride in a dual controlled kart with Poppa - that's them in the white helmets......
... the attendant made sure they were all buckled in properly and gave them some brief instructions.......
....... and declared them ready to go.........
... and next thing I knew they were drifting around the corner and disappearing from view.  After a while, they came back and then it was time..........
for Munchie to climb into one of the little karts and show off the skills he had acquired with Poppa!
And with that, he put the pedal to the metal and off he went.........

...... around the bend and up the far side of the track like a pro.........
.......around the bend at the other end - keeping to the outside lane  to allow a wider turning radius......
....... giving us a "thumbs up" on his way by.   The little guy enjoyed that trip and declared it to be well worth the 25 minute drive to get there! Oh yes - one more thing....
... Munchie took this picture of Happy with Blackie's new pet - Stripes, the tiger - yes, he is handknit, and yes I knit him - I'll post another picture from a better angle soon!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Munchie - Chapter 2

Since Munchie stayed for a whole week, we had time for more activities - except....
.... why does this picture make me think of the movie called ET?  This happened on Wednesday - the day that Poppa golfs in the morning and again in the afternoon... I think Munchie was bored staying with me...but managed to find something to do.  And I think it all started with....
..... these three friends sitting together and looking cute, while they caught up on all that had happened since they had last been together... Taffy, Blackie and Squeegie...friends forever! However, the next day when Poppa was home in the afternoon....
.... we headed down to the park to see what was there.  Poppa and Munchie had been there before, so they knew exactly what they wanted to do....
....... they started at the slide...........
..... then moved on to explore the climbing apparatus.....
.... and then onwards to the saucer swing.  Munchie has improved his skills since last year - he could manage to get all the way across the monkey bars!  He seemed to like this swing a lot.  They went back again and played some more another day, which also included the beach - I didn't go that time.  

Friday, September 15, 2017

Another Bunch of Munchie!

Before I get to the Munchie visit, I wanted to share this pic.....
.... of the day Taffy, myself, and Auntie Denise went to visit Aunt Jeannie in her new place.  Soon after that.....
....... Munchie arrived for his annual visit with us.  McDonald's was near the top of his wish list - and here we are!  The week he was at our place was quite busy.  I think Poppa was more worn out than Munchie was!  But I'll share some of the highlights....
..... at Burger King he was presented with a picture to colour.....
.......... which he added some details to, and then coloured, and then presented to Poppa for a keepsake.
When we got home, he showed Poppa how to play a game on his i-Pad........needless to say, the young person was much better at that than his Poppa!
But, it kept them both busy so I could get some chores done.
Of course, eventually Poppa could not resist the urge to go out and do some more work in the garage.  Here he is adding a small piece of drywall to the bottom of the wall near the door...........
... and here is Munchie putting the drywall screws in place.  The drill is nearly as big as his whole arm, but he did a great job after watching |Poppa do the first one!
Then Poppa showed him how to put the drywall compound on the screw heads..........
... and he did the ones near the floor, so Poppa didn't have to bend so far.  What a great little Munchie!
Of course, we had walked up to the grocery store and purchased some snacks, but first..........
......... while I prepared lunch for three of us....
........  Munchie created some artwork for Poppa - of the big clock we had at our old place - a grandfather clock with a large gold pendulum.  And there was so much more!

Saturday, September 9, 2017

In Between

Or course, Munchie was due to come for a visit too - but.....
....... first the boys went for a vacation in Niagara Falls with Gramma Linda.  L to R: Reese (their cousin), Munchie, Curtie.  Cute kids aren't they!  I think............
....... they had a good time.  They are all smiling and it looks like they enjoyed the hotel room with bunk beds that Gramma got so they could all stay together!  This break also..........
...... gave Poppa a chance to get some drywall put up in the garage.  He rented a special hoist intended for drywall and I gave him a hand - so no pictures of the process!  But you can see it is coming along nicely, and........
.... I think Poppa is looking forward to getting it all finished - he looks a little worn out!

Friday, September 8, 2017

The First Visit

Much to my delight.....
...........about the middle of August, Mommy and the little boys came to our house!  Mommy and Munchie stayed for the night and then headed back in the morning.  Curtie.....
..... stayed at our house for a visit.  In the morning while Poppa was golfing, Curtie and I walked up to the grocery store to find some treats for him.  I let him pick whatever he wanted....
.... and he ended up with quite a variety of things to snack on.  He was only here for a couple of days, but he managed to cram in quite a bit of activities.  He went a couple of time to the beach with Poppa - but I stayed at home and didn't get pictures of their fun times there.  They both came home happy about their adventures though.  Aside from that....
... and after he had chosen some snacks to enjoy.....
.......... and tasting some of everything to determine what he liked best..........
........which took quite a while and required some Coke to wash it all down...........
..... he decided to try out Poppa's computer while I read my e-mail and caught up on the news....
........... he was doing jigsaw puzzles...........
....... and he was quite good at getting them done!  That's what we did in the morning while Poppa was golfing.
In the afternoons things got a little livelier.  He went outside with Poppa.........
........ where they could practice shooting the new nerf gun that Curtie chose as his "vacation souvenir".

I usually took this opportunity to try and clean off the island somewhat, though it seemed to collect a lot of stuff with the addition of a small person to the household.
But, I had lots of time, as the boys went outside with the gun the next day too - after they had been to the beach....
........... they played some more with the gun - which had little foam bullets that actually came flying out of it - which kept them busy finding them after firing.  I believe they only lost one and managed to retrieve all the others.
And just before I called them in for supper, Curtis watered the plants for Poppa.