Sunday, November 13, 2016

Catching Up Again

This is just a bunch of pictures of the little boys, that I have missed during the last while, but I want to share with you!
 I showed you this one, but just couldn't resist posting it again!
 Munchie qualified for his school's cross country running team - and this was taken before his first run....
 .... this was taken after that same run.......our little guy looks kinda tired - but cute as a button in his team sweatsuit!
 Curtie lost his first tooth - bottom right!
 Munchie started getting his house ready for Hallowe'en.......
 ............if you look closely, you can see blood dripping down the window - and he is still adding more drops!
 Curtie lost his second tooth!  This time bottom left..........
 ........ and that same day Munchie lost his third tooth!  Top left!  Honestly, that hole looks a lot bigger than the little tooth did!
 A charming Hallowe'en scene!  Yikes!
This is Munchie - not wanting to smile with that missing tooth - I love the smile you can see in his eyes!   And finally............
.......... here is a smile for the day!  Click on it to make it bigger so you can see it!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Oh My Dog!

I'm not sure who I feel more sorry for!  Do I feel sorry for Bam because he has to try to squeeze his ever growing body into a little space between the two booster seats in the car?  Or, do I feel sorry for Munchie because he is trying to play on his i-Pod and share the space with Bam at the same time?
I just had to laugh when I saw this picture though!  Poor things!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

A Wedding!

After these......

...... little shoes disappeared from my front door ( Blackie's running shoes, and Munchie's flip-flops!) and during my long absence from blog-posting we attended a lovely wedding in the GTA.
Here is the bride and groom!  In case you don't recognize them - it is Nicole and Travis McAlear.  Travis is Auntie Jean's son.  He has lived in the city for quite a long while now and we don't see him very often - and were quite pleased to receive an invitation to the wedding.  The whole family was there.....
This is Poppa and all his siblings.  From left to right:  Uncle Ernie, Aunt Grumpy, Uncle Leonard, Auntie Denise, Tracey (Auntie Denise's daughter), Uncle Dave, Aunt Jeannie and Poppa.  Quite a crew!  And, of course, I think Poppa is the best-looking of them all (he is also the tallest!)!  The wedding was lovely and we had a great time - we mostly watched the younger folks dancing, but we did get on the dance floor a couple of times ourselves!  One more look............
Congratulations to the newlyweds - and we wish you a long, happy marriage!  Soon after ........
........ Poppa, along with his supervisor and advisor, got back to doing some chores