Monday, July 24, 2017


The same day..........
........ that Auntie Colleen was enjoying her chocolate treats............
........... the three girls went shopping while Poppa ran some errands. Auntie Cecile was especially drawn to the shoe department....
........ she tried on two pairs - at the same time, as you can see.  She decided the metallic shoe had heels that wee too high for comfortable strolling - but she did buy the blue pair - with the zipper up the back.  They really suited her!  At home....
.... I have been working on Twiddle Muffs.  These are items designed to soothe people with dementia, who have restless hands, but not much ability to concentrate.  The oblong is knitted, then several things are attached, designed to stimulate using texture and shape.  Then it is folded in half...........
........ so that this becomes the outside, then folded and sewn that....
..... this becomes the inside and thus forms a muff.  This one was for Aunt Grumpy to take to her workplace - and she was up for the weekend - so I sewed it up quickly and gave it to her to take back with her - thus, I didn't get a picture of the finished object - but not to worry - I've made a couple more and will post photos soon!

Sunday, July 23, 2017

On Another Day....

It took Poppa a long time to finish the project from the last blog.  In the meantime, he got another item crossed off his list....
........ Yep!  He got to work on the floral display at the front of the condo.  He put out a couple of hanging baskets.  Got the pots out.  Swept the walkway..........
........... and swept the walkway....
........ and then started putting plants in the pots.
Soon they were beginning to look like Poppa's flowers.  Egads!  He is still sweeping - oh - he's sweeping up the soil that fell over the edges when he put the plants in.
Of course, he had to get every little smidgen of soil swept before he could say it was done.
Then he added some of that nice soil to the next-door neighbor's flower bed.........
......... and finished up by placing a couple of attractive planters on the neighbor's front walkway too.

Saturday, July 22, 2017


............ is ............
.......... Squeegie looking at???  Is it..........
..... Auntie Colleen being spoiled??  She sadly noticed that there were no chocolate desserts available at the golf club one Tuesday.  The following Tuesday she was surprised by getting two (2) of them.  The chef (Ashley) at the golf club had prepared strawberry chocolate creme brulee, and Poppa had brought a huge Brownie! She is trying to decide which one to have first!  But - nope - that not what Squeegie is looking at.  Is it....
......... Curtie, Daddy and Munchie???  Nope!  They are at their place.  Is it.....
....... a hilarious cat cartoon from Tara via Auntie Cecile???  Nope! Is it..........
.......... Happy chilling out in the middle of the afternoon, having a nap??  Nope!  Is it..........
........ Poppa working on some new project???  YES!  That's what it is........ more on that later.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

More Stuff

More recently..............

........... Curtie, Daddy, Mommy and Munchie went to a fun place and got their picture taken in a canoe!  LOL.  It looks like they all had a good time!  Then, there was the weekend..........
......... I went with Granny and Auntie Cecile to the annual "English Tea" at St. Columbkille's.  It was held in the church hall this year (last year it was in the rectory) and there were.....
.... lots of people there - an excellent turnout.....
....... the entire hall was full of happy people, enjoying a visit with friends and neighbours.  I found a couple of...........
..... friends of mine there, helping to serve the tea!  This is Mary and her daughter Norma.  Mary is the wife of a co-worker, as well as being a long-time parishioner at St. Columbkilles.  Norma spent one summer working with me at my workplace - she was an excellent worker and I still have fond memories of that summer working with her.  She was always just as happy as she looks in this photo!  After getting this picture and wandering around the hall I returned to my chair to find.....
........ Auntie Cecile and Granny still chatting!  Speaking of St. Columbkilles..............
........... that is where we put Aunt Peggy to rest - right next to her parents.  I still miss her and think of her often.  On a lighter note, today Granny sent me a cartoon...........I just have to share it..........
........ Granny likes to crochet and knit too - could you guess?  Hee!  And just for you............
........ Auntie Colleen chose this pair of socks last year - as I was knitting them while we visited Grandma Grace.  I finally finished them in Florida and gave them to her this spring!