I know it has been a loooong time since my last post. We just seem to have been very busy.
I can't remember if I showed you this baby set I made for the tuck shop at the hospital or not. I have sent a few more things over, and I still have some stuff here........I'll see if I can get you caught up by the end of this post.
Here is a white outfit.... I kinda like this one with the green trim - seems to dress it up nicely.
Auntie Denise has been having a problem with her memory caused by Primary Progressive Aphasia, caused by a bump on the head - we're not sure when. At any rate, it is troubling - she cannot comprehend numbers at all (doesn't know how much things cost and other related issues connected to numbers), she isn't able to keep track of her prescriptions, and she has trouble finding the words she needs to express herself. She decided that she should move to a retirement home where those issues will be attended to for her. Poppa is her PofA, so he has been very actively involved in selling her condo and getting her moved and settled comfortably in her new residence. She is quite content there and doesn't seem to mind at all. The meals are good and since they are prepared for her, she is getting three good meals a day and therefore seems happier and healthier. It was big decision, a big move, and she has handled it very well. I'll get pictures later for you.
Aunt Jeannie is also having more mobility issues due to her problematic knees and Poppa is working with her son Travis, to see if we can have her relocated to a residence where more help is available. Again Poppa is one of her PoA's, so he is actively involved in that as well.
One day while Poppa and I were out shopping at Costco, we found these cute little Mickey Mouse outfits and bought one for Squeegie. I turns out he has gained a bit of weight and needed a bigger size - so we gave the little one to Happy and got Squeegie another one. They do look quite cute!
And - what else has Poppa been doing? Well, he took on a very large project during the cold months. he decided to take the carpet off the floors on the second level of the condo and replace them with laminate flooring. This required moving all the furniture back and forth from here to there. In the picture above, he has the floor underneath the queen size bed done and is getting ready for the rest of the room. It was a large project and took him several weeks to complete. I'll add more pics as it progresses.
Here is his room all finished, but you can't see much of the floor. I can assure you that it looks lovely and is much easier to clean properly than the old carpet that was there!
I had some red fingering weight yarn in my stash, so I made this little outfit for the hospital with that. Aunt Cecile (who does volunteer work in the office at the hospital) said it disappeared rather quickly from the tuck shop - so I guess it was okay! I've finished a few other things since then - and we've had visits with the little boys (Munchie and Curtie) - and Poppa has finished the flooring upstairs - but I'm worn out typing now, so more later - hopefully sooner than last time!
I can't remember if I showed you this baby set I made for the tuck shop at the hospital or not. I have sent a few more things over, and I still have some stuff here........I'll see if I can get you caught up by the end of this post.
Here is a white outfit.... I kinda like this one with the green trim - seems to dress it up nicely.
Auntie Denise has been having a problem with her memory caused by Primary Progressive Aphasia, caused by a bump on the head - we're not sure when. At any rate, it is troubling - she cannot comprehend numbers at all (doesn't know how much things cost and other related issues connected to numbers), she isn't able to keep track of her prescriptions, and she has trouble finding the words she needs to express herself. She decided that she should move to a retirement home where those issues will be attended to for her. Poppa is her PofA, so he has been very actively involved in selling her condo and getting her moved and settled comfortably in her new residence. She is quite content there and doesn't seem to mind at all. The meals are good and since they are prepared for her, she is getting three good meals a day and therefore seems happier and healthier. It was big decision, a big move, and she has handled it very well. I'll get pictures later for you.
Aunt Jeannie is also having more mobility issues due to her problematic knees and Poppa is working with her son Travis, to see if we can have her relocated to a residence where more help is available. Again Poppa is one of her PoA's, so he is actively involved in that as well.
One day while Poppa and I were out shopping at Costco, we found these cute little Mickey Mouse outfits and bought one for Squeegie. I turns out he has gained a bit of weight and needed a bigger size - so we gave the little one to Happy and got Squeegie another one. They do look quite cute!
Here is his room all finished, but you can't see much of the floor. I can assure you that it looks lovely and is much easier to clean properly than the old carpet that was there!
I had some red fingering weight yarn in my stash, so I made this little outfit for the hospital with that. Aunt Cecile (who does volunteer work in the office at the hospital) said it disappeared rather quickly from the tuck shop - so I guess it was okay! I've finished a few other things since then - and we've had visits with the little boys (Munchie and Curtie) - and Poppa has finished the flooring upstairs - but I'm worn out typing now, so more later - hopefully sooner than last time!