As most of my regular readers know - I am a bear fanatic (as well as a knitting fanatic!). I haven't posted any bear pics in a long time and thought you should meet a few of them.
This is Maggie. She was a gift from Auntie Cecile and is named after my paternal grandmother. She lives in the china cabinet - and there is some glare from the camera - but you can see her. She loves Easter and is wearing bunny ears!
These two are also in the china cabinet - on a lower shelf. On the left is Prince Charles - we bought him while we were in the souvenir shop when we visited the Britannia (Queen Elizabeth's personal ship). On the right is Cecilia
This is Angelica. She was a present from Aunt Jeannie and has the most beautiful angel wings. She is always quiet and well-behaved.
And... this is Martha - she teaches the other bears how to keep things tidy, neat and organized.
This trio lives on top of the fridge (where school pics of Munchie and Curtie are displayed for everyone to admire!). They are (l. to r.) Red, White and Spot.
This is Sebastian. He loves to snow shoe and is thrilled that we have snow outside now.
Here is Dougie - named after Doug Gilmore - one of my most favourite Toronto Maple Leaf players.
Here is little Colleen - she is tender, caring and loving. She stays on the dresser beside my bed and keeps watch over me at night.
Some of you may recognize this little guy. His name is Tim and he comes from Tim Horton's (the donut shop). With him are Mutt and Jeff - little miniature bears - so cute!
Here we have Hungry (he is from Hungary!) and his guardian angel Maddie.
This display is in the spare bedroom. The little shelves came from Poppa's Auntie Jean. It is difficult to see all the little bears - but it is a collection of small decorative bears - some from auction sales, some gifts and some I just liked and bought. If you look closely, you can see a couple of pictures of very young Munchie!
These two rascals are called Archie and Edith. Obviously they like to fish.
This is Butterscotch. He belongs to Munchie, but stays at our place for when we have a grandson overnight. The tiger is handknit by Nanna and his name is Stripes.
These are both - you guessed it - Pooh! The one on the left was bought in England while we were visiting, the one on the right came from Walt Disney World - and got his sweater later.
This is a Big Pooh, he holds the door open in the spare room - and does an excellent job!
This is Cecil and Gracie. Munchie and Curtie bought Cecil for me. You might recognize him - he is this year's (2021) Wal-Mart bear and is shown fairly frequently on the television.
These two are Johnnie and Eileen. Yes - I have two Wal-Mart bears. Eileen is the mottled beige and the smaller of the two. She came from Zehr's. A donation would be made to a children's gift fund for every bear sold. I'm sure we looked at about 30 of these bears before Poppa found one with a perfect face. On another day, we were at Wal-Mart, and he bought me Johnnie. At that time, we didn't know we would get another Wal-Mart bear! We love them both!!!
I thought these two looked so cute. They spend each day on my bed. Furbee (aka Char-Lee) had a nightmare and was quite upset. Hapster (aka Happy) is being a good big brother and helping Furbee calm down.
Which reminds me - I got a new bed and mattress. The bed came from Ikea and has drawers underneath - which is wonderful - a girl can't have too many drawers in her bedroom!
Last - but definitely not on the left is Squishie, in the centre little Gracie, and on the right is, or course, Taffy. They are waiting impatiently for Poppa to come to the table for supper!
This is (again) Taffy and Gracie - I just liked the rear shot of them! There are a few other bears that I have missed - but these are a large sample of the current critters. I hope you enjoyed meeting them all.