I apologize for such a long interval and hope nobody has been holding their breath! With Covid restrictions in place - we are not out much and I don't have as much time alone to concentrate on just what to say.
I guess the first thing I should tell you is that Poppa had a heart attack on December 14th, 2020. It was a very tense situation for a while, but he seems to be recovering well, and has gone out for his daily walk alone - for the first time.... I'm a little nervous, but it has to happen sooner or later - he is getting tired of being baby-sat!
So, I don't have a lot of other news, but have had lots of time to knit, so I'll post some pictures............
The lighting isn't very good - but the outfit is a yellow background with intervals of pink and green pattern.
Just a little sweater done in green - because I liked the pattern!
A pretty little white dress for dress-up days for a baby girl.
Of course - this one is intended for a little fellow - do you like the alternating colours and patterns?
Simply blue - because I don't seem to do as many blue outfits.
A smaller sweater and hat done in the balance of the yellow yarn above.
This is Munchie modelling one of Granny Maureen's masks - shows off her talent and his beautiful blue eyes!
Couldn't resist posting this one of Munchie in his Spiderman hoodie (and his mask)!
Of course I had to show off Curtie's mask and outfit too.
And, as usual, Munchie couldn't resist curling up in his new blanket for a rest.
A cute picture so Squeegie, Mikey and Gracie watching CNN with me.
I hopped out of my knitting chair long enough to give you an idea of where I am most of my time!
With my gadgets and a Reese's bar right next to my chair, on a little table that Poppa modified slightly so that everything is handy!
This is Blu. I made him and his outfit from leftover yarn from Munchie's blanket.
This is me In one of my favourite masks that Granny Maureen made - in case you can't tell - there are little gray bears frolicking about on it.
Here is Squishie digging into Poppa's cereal - he is just like Squeegie when it comes to eating - he can do it all day if I let him.
This photo of Squishie and Taffy was obviously taken last year when the weather was nice and warm - but it is a cute picture - can you see them both smiling?
That's it for now - more soon (I hope!)