As a follow-up to the Munchkin's pursuit of a lucrative career, he has decided to try his skills horseback riding. He can't decide whether he would like to be a cowboy or ride in professional stunt riding or even maybe try dressage. At this point he still requires some assistance from Dada - he had no idea riding a horse would require so much skill, but he enjoyed every second of it and is seriously considering looking into it further.
Here is the latest project - which is very trial and error since I didn't bring any patterns with me. If they turn out nicely I will put them up for bids. If I'm not satisfied with them, then I will keep them for Nanna. They are looking decidedly odd at the moment (in my humble opinion), and if I were starting over I would change the cuff to some extent (in fact I still may take them out and start over - haven't decided for sure). I'll see how they look as they progress.
Taffy is feeling a special affinity with her Auntie Colleen lately - in large part I suspect because said Auntie was instrumental in Taffy acquiring some bling. Therefore, Taffy requested that she display the latest in the finished sock collection. Hoping Auntie Colleen likes them....and if she isn't quite sure maybe Uncle Shaun would like'll be interesting to see who ends up trying them on and modelling them for us.
Here is the latest project - which is very trial and error since I didn't bring any patterns with me. If they turn out nicely I will put them up for bids. If I'm not satisfied with them, then I will keep them for Nanna. They are looking decidedly odd at the moment (in my humble opinion), and if I were starting over I would change the cuff to some extent (in fact I still may take them out and start over - haven't decided for sure). I'll see how they look as they progress.
Granny and Gramps are on their way! I had an e-mail from Granny last evening and they were in Virginia. So, they still had about two more days of travelling, and we will look forward to seeing them some time tomorrow.
It was very hot today! Which is exactly why we came to Florida. But - it was soooo hot that we barely sat out by the pool at all. We did (of course) go for a swim and the water was wonderfully refreshing. It was also sooooo hot that Squeegie and Taffy stayed inside watching the Disney channel. Now Squeegie and Poppa have gone golfing again. They went later today, so dinner will definitely be a late affair. Oh and did I mention that we bought cookies one day??
Taffy makes a great Vanna White, showing off the goods, dressed in her new bling.