Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Vacation for the Sisters

We had some trouble finding the sisters, but as soon as we found them, we bundled them into the car - where they had a re-union with Squeegie and Taffy.
They were all glad to see each other.  We took them to the villa so they could unpack their suitcases, and then we all went out for dinner.  Auntie Denise wanted to do some shopping, so after supper we went to the Wal-Mart.  We stopped along the way for a photo op near an orange grove...and the sisters actually plucked some oranges off the trees.  When we got home Auntie Denise couldn't wait to try them....
....she said they were really good and very juicy!  So after a few moments of consideration, and a couple of squeezes....
....Aunt Grumpy decided to give them a try as well.  The following morning, the sisters were still recovering from their long travels the day before, so we spent the day lazing around and chatting in the pool.

In the meantime, each of the little boys had received a parcel from Nanna and Poppa (hee!), and when they tried on the stuff they found inside, Mommee took a few pictures for us.  Here are our little cuties in their new jammies!

1 comment:

  1. Great photos of your guests! So you live half the year in Florida and you don't try the oranges??? I bet they're good.
    Christopher looks like he's considering running over his brother. Who doesn't look at all concerned *g*. Adorable.
