Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Family Matters

     Poppa and I were babysitting on the weekend and as usual our little men kept us quite busy...... but more on that later.  First an update on Gramma Grace.  Over the last few months she had been experiencing significant pain in her upper abdomen.  Unfortunately she also seems to be suffering from significant memory issues.  This seemed to result in numerous calls to Aunt Cecile, resulting in many hours spent at the ER where often Gramma Grace would seem to forget that she had been in pain.  When this situation escalated into visits to the ER every couple of days - after endless tests - some surgery was done to remove an intestinal blockage which could be causing the extreme discomfort.  She recovered very well - but the same symptoms exhibited themselves again promptly when she returned home.  Again extensive testing was done and no cause for the pain could be found.  It was determined that she should stay at a local retirement facility for a period of time so that help would be readily available.   Although there were a couple of recurrences, and another prescription was added to her daily ritual, she has now been symptom free for about three weeks.  Since I had developed a nasty cold shortly after returning to Canada's chilly climate, I had not been to see her until more recently.  When the cold had mostly cleared up.......
...... Taffy and I went to visit her.  She looks healthier than when I last saw her, and seems comfortable there, albeit she is wishing she was at home and doesn't seem to understand exactly why she is there.  We met.........
.... Aunt Cecile there and had a nice visit.  Hopefully Gramma Grace will continue to recover well.  Thank you to all those who have sent well-wishes.
    Next blog will be about our visit with Munchie and Curtie............!

1 comment:

  1. The photo of Mum and Taffy is lovely. Cecile and Mum is good too. What a time.
