Thursday, May 30, 2013

What Did Poppa Do......

.......... while he was at Munchie's house?  Well..........
.... Daddy and Poppa worked on the garden - I think they added a few more things after this picture was taken - but I liked this picture because you can see how lovely the lilac tree is at this time of year - and Mommy says it smells beautiful when you stand near it to take pictures!  Poppa & Daddy also.....
.... had a small feathered helper in that garden!  When they got the garden finished, they moved on....
.... to the front flowerbed.  There were some plants there, but Daddy wanted to replant to compliment the fine job he did on the verandah last spring.  As you can imagine, it took them a lot longer to do all that work, than it did for me to type the words!  I'm quite sure that Daddy and Poppa were ready for bed that night.  Of course.............
..... Mommy and the little boys (Curtis, Mommy, Chris) were quite happy to see Poppa, and of course.....
.... Poppa took out some time to play with them!  I'm not sure it is good for his bad back, but....
.......... I don't think he was thinking about that when he lifted Curtis way up high, or when......
 ..........he........... huh?  What is he doing?  All I see is his back and little red blurry thing...........
...... Oh!  ............    when he spun Munchie off his feet!  But, for Mommy the crowning glory of Poppa's visit was.........
.................. this picture is a little dark, but Poppa and Daddy managed to get the commode in the basement bathroom installed and working before he left to come home!  I had to laugh, when Mommy called me to say Poppa was on his way home - she apologized for not having called me twenty minutes earlier when he actually left - but they were all taking turns using the new facility!  The only television they have (like us!) is in the basement, so they spend a lot of time there and it is very nice to be able to avoid running upstairs at commercial breaks!  Now, I promised Auntie Colleen to post a photo of my new bedspread...........

........ what a change!  And....
.......... Poppa's bed matches!  The room looks so nice!  But - now I need new curtains for the windows!  And for Liz - I just have to sew on the buttons - picture next blog!

1 comment:

  1. The lilac is lovely.
    The garden looks like it is coming along beautifully.
    The kids and Phil are heartwarming and adorable.
    The loo is a relief, I bet.
    But the new bedding? I love it!That looks gorgeous.
