Wednesday, March 11, 2015


............ do boys do when they are vacationing in Florida for the winter????  Well....
......... they supervise just about everything that goes on in the villa!  They watch while the dishes are washed and dried.....
.... they carefully scrutinize all in-coming food and taste-test it to make sure it is suitable for the other people to consume.....
.... they check the numbers on the lottery tickets to see if we have become millionaires overnight.....
............. they wait patiently (or not!) for the rest of the household to get ready to go out for breakfast....
............... they play with Wilson...........
..... on a bright, sunny, hot day............
........during a Florida afternoon..........
................. they help Poppa figure out how to check his e-mail.....
............ or play a game - what are they doing???  Hmmmmmmmm...........
............ oh......... it's a jigsaw puzzle!  What else??  Well.....
............ they sit around and look cute............
........... they pose for pictures, and at the end of a long, tiring day..........
............. they crawl into bed for a good night's sleep, so they can start over again the next day!  Oh, by the way, while Uncle Ernie was here, he requested a pair of socks, so..........
........ I grabbed some new yarn I had just received and made these for him to take home.  There has been lots of other sox action - but that's for the next post!

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