What is going on here?? When the weather turned nice, the boys decided they needed some money for treats. They set up a little stand to sell some fresh fruit to passersby. I'm not sure how successful they were, but it looks like they had a good time! Poppa was already starting on some projects. Aunt Muffy had done such a good job of cleaning the condo while we were away....
............ that Broomie was quite full of dusty little bits! Poppa took her apart and set about cleaning her all up. Pretty soon...........
....... she was looking pretty again and was plugged in to charge up for her next job!
And... I knew for sure that it was spring time and we were home, when I found myself sitting in the car outside Poppa's favourite store, while.........
...... I sat in the car doing one of my favourite things, as I waited for him to get finished his shopping spree!
Much to our delight, Uncle Ernie visited us one day - just long enough to have a coffee with Poppa and Squeegie. We all enjoyed the visit.
Here is one pair of socks that Auntie Colleen chose from those I finished in Florida this year. And - here -
...... is another cat cartoon for you, just to make you smile!
Remember last summer when we used to go out for lunch every Tuesday with Auntie Colleen and Auntie Cecile??? Well......
........ we've started up again! And this time we had extra participants! Left to right: Granny Maureen, Nanna, Poppa, Auntie Colleen, Auntie Cecile and Uncle Mark. Gramps was there too, but he took the photo. I think we all had a good time, and enjoyed the food and the company - I know I did! We ate at the Couchiching Golf & Country Club - which happens to be where Poppa goes golfing - often with Uncle Mark! This got me to thinking, every winter we take Poppa and Squeegie to Longhorn Steakhouse for their birthday. We did that as usual in Feb/17. Taffy's birthday is in March, so we let her choose............
........and she chose Olive Garden. We had lots of leftovers to take back to the Villa - and we were quite pleased about it. While looking for this picture I found a couple of others from Florida that I'd like to share - if you have the patience to browse through them.
The entrance to the new development where our new villa is located.
The guardhouse, just inside the gates. If you are a resident, you get a card for the electronic gate - if you don't have one you stop at the guardhouse and if you have credentials or if you give them the number of the villa you wish to visit, they will let you in!
When we went for strolls around to see the new areas being built, Poppa was always scanning the golf course for lost balls.
There is quite a lot of lots still available and the construction crews are out in force. You can see how many they work on at the same time - and that is only a small portion of them!
And, across that pond where Poppa is standing is the space marked out for more new homes to be built. It's a really large development! Anyone want to see another pair of socks??
Lucy picked this pair - made from Opal Cotton Premium.
..... Poppa and I (as well as Squeegie and Taffy) were afflicted with a nasty cold/flu. Poppa went to the walk-in clinic where....
......... they were required to wear masks so as not to infect the other people waiting attention - or the staff, for that matter! Everyone felt rather under the weather and.....
.......... spent a lot of time napping and/or watching TV - well I was usually knitting! Oh yes - do you want to see another pair of socks???
Aunt Grumpy chose this Silly Blue pair! She looks lovely in blue because she has lovely blue eyes like Poppa!
We weren't home very long - and it was time for Easter. Poppa and I had a quiet Easter and went for turkey dinner at Hill's - a local restaurant owned by the children of people we went to school with - now staffed by the fourth generation of that family! It was yummy! Before we went, Taffy.....
........ tried on the new outfit she had bought in Florida - added her bunny slippers since it was still a little chilly in Canada - and wanted me to take a picture of her doing the splits like Mommy taught her years ago! Of course, things were more busy at Munchie's house! Munchie had written a note.....
.... in anticipation of a visit from the Easter Bunny, which apparently pleased that entity, since....
the boys had an Easter egg hunt early in the morning and it appears that they were quite successful at finding lots of eggs!
We spent the next three days on a pleasant drive northward to Canada. We stopped briefly to visit the boys for a couple of hours - they were so excited when they got off the school bus and found us waiting there for them! Then we headed to our place for a sleep in our own beds. But............
......... when I looked out the front door the next day, I was horrified to see the beautiful snow everywhere! There was quite a bit too.....
...... the hedge at the back was loaded - kind of pretty, but a far cry from a few days earlier when I took the pictures in Florida! Back to the real world! A shout-out to David and Allison for letting us spend the winter in their new villa! Thank you!!!
Yes, it's me again - finally! We've been really busy lately. Auntie Denise bought a condo up the road from ours - which is nice for her - but it needs a lot of work. Poppa has been over there A LOT! So let's get back to where we left off! Our last day in Florida....
Poppa spent some time playing with Oliver - which made him miss Munchie and Curtie even more, so........
..... Allison and I took Ollie for a walk in his new stroller, as you can see he enjoyed the stroll and fell sound asleep! But, I managed to get the whole family together - L to R - David, Allison, Robert, Joe and Clair. Front row - Oliver. Then, after a good nights sleep, we were ready to head home the following day.