Yes - Christmas and it's not even a month ago!
Munchie came - and immediately got on his phone - how soon they grow up!
Mommy was busy chatting with me and a bear or two!
And, as soon as Mommy set her phone down Curtie was playing on it! Notice that both our little grandsons keep the bears close to them. Blackie is beside Munchie offering advice on how to win the game, and here Pooh is keeping an eye on what Curtie is doing!
We all went out to Swiss Chalet for their Christmas special.
Curtis didn't want the bacon in his burger and passed it over to Daddy.
Munchie sat right between Mommy and me!
Curtie sat right beside Poppa, and after I took this picture....
Munchie wanted everyone to see how much he was enjoying his dinner!
Time flew by - soon Poppa was checking the road conditions on his computer....
.... and Munchie was packing his stuff into his duffel bag in preparation for going home. Notice the new bear in his bag? Did anyone see the Wal-Mart commercial with that particular bear? It was so cute, the bear was walking around Wal-Mart, reading books, playing with toys and eating ice cream. At the first sign of morning he climbed back on the shelve - the only teddy bear there - so sad. Then someone's Daddy picked him up, wrapped him up...and pan to Christmas morning - a little girl so excited and happy to get that bear - closing shot - the bear's arm goes around the little girl. Of course, for a bear-lover like me, that commercial was especially great. I decided each of the little boys should have one. It took me forever - but I finally found them on Amazon! As you can see, each little boy got one and....
... so did we! Here is the gang: LtoR: Taffy, Squeegie, Happy and Charlie in the foreground. Merry Christmas!
Munchie came - and immediately got on his phone - how soon they grow up!
Mommy was busy chatting with me and a bear or two!
And, as soon as Mommy set her phone down Curtie was playing on it! Notice that both our little grandsons keep the bears close to them. Blackie is beside Munchie offering advice on how to win the game, and here Pooh is keeping an eye on what Curtie is doing!
We all went out to Swiss Chalet for their Christmas special.
Curtis didn't want the bacon in his burger and passed it over to Daddy.
Munchie sat right between Mommy and me!
Curtie sat right beside Poppa, and after I took this picture....
Munchie wanted everyone to see how much he was enjoying his dinner!
Time flew by - soon Poppa was checking the road conditions on his computer....
.... and Munchie was packing his stuff into his duffel bag in preparation for going home. Notice the new bear in his bag? Did anyone see the Wal-Mart commercial with that particular bear? It was so cute, the bear was walking around Wal-Mart, reading books, playing with toys and eating ice cream. At the first sign of morning he climbed back on the shelve - the only teddy bear there - so sad. Then someone's Daddy picked him up, wrapped him up...and pan to Christmas morning - a little girl so excited and happy to get that bear - closing shot - the bear's arm goes around the little girl. Of course, for a bear-lover like me, that commercial was especially great. I decided each of the little boys should have one. It took me forever - but I finally found them on Amazon! As you can see, each little boy got one and....
... so did we! Here is the gang: LtoR: Taffy, Squeegie, Happy and Charlie in the foreground. Merry Christmas!