Sunday, January 12, 2020

If You Guessed....

.... that we went to the UK.....
........ then you are absolutely correct!  Our friends (and landlords) from Florida actually live in the UK and had been suggesting that we visit the UK for quite a long time.  We finally decided we should do just that.... to see their country which is also where Poppa was born.  He came to Canada when he was six months old and has never been back!  So, finally after a lot of years, we decided we should do just that!  We left Canada on August 29th at 6:35pm and arrived at London Heathrow airport August 30th at 6:35am - an 8 hour flight, but because of the change in time zones we got there a day after we left!  I like to say "we left today and got there tomorrow!"

We were a day early for our tour to begin, so we took a tour to Buckingham Palace.  The actual palace was not open while we were there, but we did get to see the stables....
... look how clean!  I'm not sure any horses actually live in this part! There are a lot of....
......gorgeous carriages on display there.  This one is the carriage used for Queen Victoria's coronation.  If it appears that the gold is real - that's because it is!  No expenses spared for the royalty in that period of history.  It is really more beautiful than the picture can capture!
I think this is the newest mode of transport on display - it was also lovely - it would definitely be an impressive ride!

After the tour of the stables was finished, we walked around to the front of the palace.  There were a lot of people milling about as you can see.
There is a beautiful park behind these gates and each pillar represents a member of the British Empire.  The one on the right is for Canada!
The gardens are absolutely beautiful and extend all around the grounds in front of the palace.  I took a LOT of pictures and have tried to choose the highlights for you.  Incidentally, the carriage that you saw Poppa sitting on the the previous post was the only one visitors were allowed to touch!
This large statue stands in the center of the gardens and I had to get my own "Englishman" in the photo!
Here is my last shot of Buckingham Palace.  As you can see, it is quite large and very impressive - we were not disappointed! But....
...we were very tired after all the walking we did.  When we were finished at the palace we walked to Trafalgar Square to catch our tour bus back to the hotel and after a quick bite to eat, we went to bed!  Lots more to come!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how lovely! I loved every photo and explanation.
    Mum always knew the UK was top of my list for places to visit and always said I'd get there and hoped I'd go. Okay... I think her biggest concern was that I'd get to England but still... I bet she was with you in spirit and smiling the whole while.
