Gosh! It seems like that I've been busy doing something close to nothing, but different than the day before
(tm The Artist formerly known as Prince). Seriously, we hadn't done anything exciting until yesterday. The other days we shopped, swam, basked and watched TV.... and the days flew by. Yesterday we went to the Post Office, had breakfast at McD's, stopped at a Wal-Mart for a while, and then headed to Cocoa Beach on the Atlantic Coast of Florida for another day strolling at the water's edge. It was a lovely day for that. The temperature along the coast was a few degrees cooler than here, so we didn't get too hot. The actual beach is a nice soft sand - which although it doesn't look as pretty as the white crushed shell sand of the Gulf coast, is much kinder to bare feet. And the sandy area is much flatter and the water comes up much further, so lots of folks can have their feet in the water, without getting in the path of the folks coming from the other direction. I collected a few more shells, Poppa chatted for a couple of minutes with some locals who were fishing, we grabbed an ice cream bar, and headed back home. Stopped for supper at a British Fish & Chips Bar, where we had beer with English style cod and hand-cut fries...it was a hit! Unfortunately, I left the camera in the car and didn't get any pictures for you.

Here is the latest sock picture. Yep - they're all done....so Kev-Inn will get another pair of socks. I thought and thought about what I should do next and couldn't decide - so I took out one ball of each different yarn that I have in my small stash here, and asked Poppa to pick one.

He picked a skein of Bernat Baby Jacquards in shades of blue and white, called Boo Berries. So - here is what I've started. This is the back of a baby sweater in a Size 2, and I have just nicely started the front. From here, it is an easy stretch to tell you the latest news of our Canadian Male Munchkin Model.

He went to the doctor this morning for his check-up and another of those nasty shots. He was prepared this time though, and never made a sound - just took it like the happy, little man that he is! I'm told he now weighs 19 lbs, 10 oz. and is 26-3/4 inches tall. Mama tells me he is skooching now. Upon further investigation, I discovered that this means he can wiggle his little self forward until he captures the object of interest in his line of sight. Goodness, they grow up sooooo quickly.
Weeeeeeeeeee! I received the most lovely and pretty socks in the mail today. What a treat! Thank you!