Smiling in sunny Florida under blue skies with 75F temps! Poppa has gone golfing after we had a dip in the pool. Wonderful! The sun is shining in the sliding doors on me, and I am feeling too hot! Just what I wanted. I don't have any recent hot weather shots since we have

had chilly weather, so I thought I could share some of the chilly shots with you. Last Sunday it stayed quite cool all day and Squeegie and Taffy put on long pants that they got with their allowances down here in Florida. Taffy felt all girl-ie and pretty - Squeegie thought he preferred his "dress-down" clothes, but agreed to put on the new outfit because it was Sunday and we were going out for breakfast. After some

debate we decided to go to Bob Evans and were pleased with the decision. Later in the afternoon, Poppa found a driving range at Highlands Reserve, so he decided to try that. He wasn't totally satisfied with his own performance, but I thought he looked quite spiffy swinging his club at that silly, little ball and he said it was fun.
I have started a sock.
Now - both Auntie Colleen and

Mama called dibs on a pair of pinkish socks....and Auntie Colleen got her bid in first. Fortunately, I had purchased enough yarn for two pairs of socks. I had two different colour palettes - so Poppa chose which for who...and these are Auntie Colleen's colours. Now if she happens to think she doesn't like them, I will switch to the other yarn. I will post a pic when they are finished and another when I get Mama's started.
Speaking of Mama - she and Dada were doing strange things with little Munchkin's

hair during bath time the other day. Dada thought Munckin would look appealing with a Mohawk hair-do.
Munchkin agreed so they tried it. After a glance in the mirror and with Mama's approval he decided to keep it for a little while anyway. Now, when I got this picture I exclaimed with glee "Oh - look Poppa - they put his hair in a top notch" A top-notch is my favourite baby hair-do of all time, since my Mother used to do this to my little sisters, and I did the same with my girls.
My childhood girl-friend's mother used to comb her

boy's hair into a was just the thing to do in those days! It appears that over the years it has fallen out of favour. Now I discover that they have just changed the name to a Mohawk and it is back in style. So, Munchkin felt quite stylish and had a happy day playing.
I would bet Auntie Colleen thinks those colours are just lovely.