went with Mama and Dadad to visit Grandma Linda last weekend. It appears that they had a great time. Grandma Linda lives right on the shore of Lake Ontario and has a beach in her back yard. Munchkin got together with little cousin Reese and went exploring in the sand. I think he liked it!

Poppa has Great-Grandma Grace's eavestroughs all fixed up now. He put new
I finished a new pair of socks for Kev-Inn and then realized that I didn't take a picture of them before I gave them to him. I'll try and see if I can get him to snap a photo or at least wear them to work, so I can get a picture. I used Bernat Sox yarn in shades of brown, beige and green. It didn't look terribly attractive in the skein, but I really liked it when it was knitted up.
Then, being
somewhat tired of the sock factory, I decided it was time to work on something different. I opened the door to the yarn closet and found a baby afghan I had started over a year ago, and had never finished. So, I decided it was time to finish it. I considered taking it apart and doing something different, but Poppa said he thought it was really nice, so I decided to continue. Feel free to communicate your opinion to me.
And - as
a closing inspiration for you - here is an amazing daffodil that grew from an unknown source in Auntie Colleen's beautiful garden! She is guessing that the squirrels or the birds knew just where to drop this one, in a special place where it would be appreciated and well-cared for. Isn't it beautiful?