Last weekend Mama, Dada and Munchkin put on their jackets and went for an adventure to a local park. Of course Munchkin wore a little hoodie so that he would be "stylin" when the other little folks saw him. They tried out the swing and some other fun stuff, and then Munchkin discovered grass! You can't see in this picture, but you can tell by the little dimple visible on his cheek that he is smiling. They all had a good time and plan to visit the park again soon. This weekend Aunt Melissa, Uncle Russ, Cousin Taylor and litle Cousin Reese are coming for a visit and Taylor is going to stay for a week to play with Munchkin and have some fu

n with Mama. Poppa went down for a visit yesterday, but I forgot to send the camera with him, so I didn't get any new pics. The report says that Munchkin came dashing toward the door in his walker with his arms up for Poppa to pick him up. I heard that they went for a walk to the coffee shop and then to the grocery store - which didn't leave much time for playing since Poppa was supposed to be home by 4 to pick me up from work. So - here is a pic from the last time Munchkin was here instead...you can see how much fun they are having!
I am working everyday this week since Kev-Inn is on vacation and I am pretending to be him and doing my best to keep his paperwork reasonably caught up.
Here is anothe

r photo from Auntie Colleen's yard. Believe it or not - this red trillium actually grows right there in her very own yard! Red trilliums are rare and so beautiful! I think I have only ever seen one red one. They are delicate and fleeting and I'm so pleased that this one was captured for our enjoyment!
Oh yes - one more thing. Last weekend before Munchkin

arrived at our house, we went and picked up a new car seat for him, since he was quickly growing too big for his infant car seat. We didn't get a picture of him in it, but I'm sure we will at a later date. But, Poppa did catch this shot of the big box it came in. These two little intrepid adventurers went exploring and were just scrambling out when Poppa came in with the camera - and they immediately went into cute teddy bear mode, looking all innocent and distracted, and sat quietly to get their picture taken!
Those 2 bears are acting just too innocent if you ask me.