Then of course, there was Mother's Day. Poppa & I went out for breakfast. When we got home there was a message on the phone from Mama wishing me a Happy Mother's Day - and she called again later. Kev-Inn called with the same message. And, then the "wow" factor, Muffy called me long distance. We had a lovely chat - spring is just arriving where she lives up north of here.
Our little Canadian Male Munchkin Model has been
taking a break from his modelling career to just spend some time practicing new skills. One of the new ways to have fun is to climb up the rungs on his crib so he can stand up like a big boy. The problem seems to be (according to Mama) that he then can't decide how to get back down - and therefore gets quite frustrated when he is tired and wants to actually sleep in the crib. I'm sure he'll figure it out soon! And, there is also the new method of reaching his destination. He is now getting up on all fours and crawling. He is still somewhat hesitant and when he gets
serious uses the old method of pulling himself along with arms only. He is also enjoying the introduction of "real" food (if you can call that stuff they sell in little jars real - Hee!). He had lunch while he was visiting and Mama served green beans, sweet potatoes and apples for dessert. I'm not sure, but I think the apples were his favourite part! It is amazing me to see how fast he is changing from a cuddly infant to a little person.

And about
the knitting - I finished the new socks for Granny. They are quite plain, but the colour is lovely and I will be sending them off to her shortly. I have started another pair for Mama. The colours are so pretty and I put some cables on them, just for a change of pace.
are lots of pretty flowers out at Auntie Colleen's place and with her photography skills I am getting some beautiful shots (and I should mention that Uncle Shaun often helps with the photography as well). I had a miserable time trying to decide which one to post - but decided on this one this time and maybe she'll give me permission to post another one next time?

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