Friday, July 8, 2011

What is Poppa Doing Now?

What is Poppa doing now?
Hmmmm.  He's reading instructions under Squeegie's watchful eye.....this could take a I'll show you the latest Picture of the Day from Auntie Colleen.....
........about which she says:
"I believe this is a little Skipper Butterfly but don't quote me. I love the way the sun caught the wings and made them glow. I am also equally in love with the shapes and pattern of the leaf."  Isn't it pretty - she is so right about the sun creating a glow to this little butterfly!

What is Poppa doing now?  
Hmmmm.  It looks like he is building a big box????  What could it be????  The other day when we were coming back home from the donut shop we were surprised to see this....
......we're not sure how it got there, but we think the driver was attempting to back into the donut parking lot and seriously missed the driveway!  Next time we went by the car was gone, so we're hoping everything and everyone was fine.

What is Poppa doing now?
Oh!  He stood the big box up and now he's putting doors on it!  I wonder what he is going to do with it now????  It looks like a large closet....or something!

I guess I'd better not write much longer.....
..........because Squeegie and Taffy are waiting to go into town.  But I bet you're wanting to know what happened to that big closet-thingey - right?  Well here it is .....
..........Oh My Gosh!  It's a place for all my knitting books and partly finished projects.........and whatever else I need to put in there!  Right now it has a lot of stuff from my desk because I had to empty my desk...........why? you ask.  Well....

...what is Poppa doing now??


  1. I am going to take a guess he putting in new flooring? Can you lend Poppa to me for a few days?

  2. Great photos of the little boys. They are so cute! Phil is doing a great job on that flooring. I will be looking forward to the next stage. Great photography Nanna!

  3. I guessed the shelving unit. Isn't that cool! You've got me on the sub floor though.
