Okay - just warning you - Uncle Shaun has stepped outside the box! Unlike previous snapshots in the Abandoned Series - this photo does not feature a Tim Horton's cup - but, rather......
......another familiar container......apparently someone enjoyed a Corona and carefully left the empty bottle out for Uncle Shaun to photograph! How thoughtful of them! Hee!
We have another participant for our scarf giveaway.........Aunt Grumpy contacted Taffy by e-mail to say she would like one too! We were happy to hear from her! So, now we have six! I am currently working on the third scarf for that event.
Little Smiley was showing off his muscles and wondering if he should try out for Mr. Universe when he is much bigger....
.........I think he can do it! What do you think? And, in the meantime Munchie is seriously considering the trucking business....
........and I think this little guy can do anything he puts his mind to!
The photos of the boys are always adorable.