Friday, June 15, 2012

At Long Last....

..... I find myself with a few minutes to write a few words.  I hope I can remember all the things I wanted to talk about.  Let me see................
.... this is Daddy working on the front porch at Munchie's house.  It looks like a lot of work!  It has taken me so long to post this picture - the cement is all removed now....and there is more work going on... I don't have pictures yet.  But - the drive way looked like this.....
.............and you can see the front of the house looks quite different than it did!  By the time Poppa went down to work on the garden, the dumpster was gone and the mess was cleaned up.  I'll send more pictures as they become available.   Meantime, Munchie is still exploring avenues available for his career choice when he grows up.  His latest ambition...........
........ is to become an artist!  Here you can see a sample of his talents and skills!  We're quite proud of him!  Way to go Munchie!  And - as you may have noticed from the picture at the top of my blog page....
.... Curtie wants to try his hand at carpentry and/or construction.  He was quite....
... interested in keeping an eye on whatever Poppa was doing.  More news about the little boys and their careers later!  On another note.....
.... Uncle Brian got a new van!  Sharp hey?  He looks quite rightfully, proud of his new toy!  And there will be more news from Auntie Denise and Uncle Brian - coming soon to a blog near you!  Let me see - what else..........oh yes!
Poppa has the house all decked out for the summer (and he's washing my car in the driveway!).  It looks really nice.  The side yard (Phillip's Park) is also.............
.......... looking very flower-ey, don't you think?  I love the way the fuschia looks in the birdbath!  Of course, the birds are all dirty, but I don't think they really care!  Taffy is all decked out.........
in her pretty pink sundress, and Squeegie.....
......... oops!  Squeegie is sitting in the truck waiting for Taffy and me to get in, so Poppa can go to Home Depot.  Gotta run!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, we've thought about removing the cement in front of our house too but that looks like a tremendous job. I look forward to seeing more.
    I like to see budding artists at work!
    The van looks really nice. What kind is it?
    The birdbath is lovely but what are those parched looking critters with feathers staring at it?
    Lovely shot of the house decked out for summer.
