Friday, June 22, 2012

Hickory Dickory Dock

The weather here has been very hot!  How hot you ask?  It has been so hot that Aunt Peggy wanted her air conditioner in the window.  Of course, Poppa obliged and she is more comfortable now!  It has been so hot that ....
... Squeegie and Taffy have their summer outfits on - it must have been Tuesday - that is orange day!  Aside from the heat wave, there has not been a lot going on here.  I finished this book ....
... and I have started another Jack Reacher (written by Lee Child - Jack Reacher is the hero in this series - and yes I'm currently on a roll!) novel........ they are quite gripping.  Poppa has been working in the yard.........
.......and has it looking lovely.  It has been an excellent season for....
... the peonies.  It's a shame that they don't last throughout the summer - they are so gorgeous and put on such a beautiful show!  Our little boys.....
......... are seemingly practising..........
.. their Chippendale dancing, but Curtie seems to have gotten a little shy and is leaving the room........gasp!  
Apparently Munchie is NOT so shy........oh wait........ Mommy is trying to tell me something......
....... it seems they were just getting ready for a tubby!  Whew! Tick, tock, tick, tock....
.... how does that old nursery rhyme go????

1 comment:

  1. Wheeeeeeeeeee... I mean Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! A mouse! The cutest mouse ever.
    Those sure are cute waterbabies too.
    Peonies are so beautiful and oh so brief.
    Cool bears *g*!
