I discovered Poppa working on a new project....
... this is the back stoop that he added about 4 years ago so that we could actually use the sliding glass doors from the kitchen to access the patio and the barbeque. They are looking a little strange, but they have been bare wood for that long and were starting to look a little shabby from all the weather.
I found a couple more pictures from the week prior to this project (and the front steps), when Munchie came to visit us for a couple of days. He and Poppa had such a good time together...... there was.......
... the morning ritual - which included washing, brushing, shaving and combing - which they did together as you can see. One of the best moments though -
was when we took him to the grocery store. He was a very good little fellow, so.....
... Poppa lifted him out of the cart and let him pick his own candies from the bulk bins. It took him quite a few minutes to decide exactly what he wanted - it was so cute!
Last weekend was a big event for Uncle Shaun.... he ran in a Masters' event in a nearby city and did quite well........just in case you can't imagine it.....
......... here he is - on the move - so fast his feet aren't even touching the ground! And note the nifty, custom shoes made for running! Congratulations Uncle Shaun! We are proud of you!
Meanwhile, Squeegie and Taffy are outside enjoying the nice weather.
We had rain earlier today - and we sure needed it....the grass already looks better, and in spite of all the recent dry weather we've had....
.... Poppa's plants are all flourishing, including the impatience and the salvia around the bird bath....
...and then around at the back of the house, there is..........
..... the Rose of Sharon which just lately burst into bloom. Okay........now I guess you want to see a picture of the stoop at the back all finished........
Here it is!
Oh, the deck looks great! Doesn't everything look better since we had more rain. Love the RoS. And especially that flying guy with two different coloured shoes!