Recently Munchie had an unfortunate mishap while having his bath. He was happily playing with his little brother and they were goofing around a little. He spun this way, and hopped that way and inadvertently crashed into the spout in the tub. He quickly noticed that something was hurting. When Mommy and Daddy checked they were somewhat dismayed to discover that one of his front teeth appeared to be bleeding around the top and looked a tad lop-sided! Oh Dear! They waited a couple of days to see what would happen and it looked as though that tooth was discolouring a little.... so .......
.... with some trepidation Mommy and Munchie headed off to the dentist's office. Munchie had no idea what exactly a dentist was, but he was impressed with all the shiny equipment and fun-looking instruments. Not quite knowing what to expect he did as he was told, and prepared himself for whatever might happen. The dentist did an examination of all Munchie's teeth and declared that all was well. He checked that front tooth and agreed that it was slightly discoloured, but that it was fine where it was and could stay until it came out on its own, in a couple of years.
He poked all the other teeth and said they were all fine and there were no cavities. Hurray! So, all in all it was a good experience for Munchie and he left the office with visions of wonderful shiny equipment and interesting looking tools. After a few questions regarding the possible income from such a profession, he carefully added it to his list of possibilities. Sometimes, the events of the day just ......
.... wear a little fellow out before he is even finished his supper!
What a brave boy!