Thursday, January 15, 2015

Days in Florida

We have settled into our usual comfortable and leisurely routine here in Florida.  The roads....
It felt good to ..........
......... see Spiffy parked in the driveway at the villa.  Poppa was already inspecting the garden lights to see why some of them were not working.  David had left new batteries for them to see if that would work.  The bears....
.......... got comfortable while they waited for us to......

........... return from a walk around the neighbourhood to see if anything had changed.  We noticed that there were still some sand cranes around.  There was....
........ an adorable little grey squirrel in this oak tree - can you see him just sitting in the V in the centre of the photo??  Further on ...........
........... we found another pair of sand cranes - they must have thrived last year - there seem to be more of them wandering around - and this new batch have a tendency to walk down the centre of the road - I hope they don't get into a collision with any traffic.  One day Poppa had to come to a complete stop to let a pair of them cross the road in front of the car.  When we got back to the villa....
........... the slow cooker was working to get supper ready, and....
.......... Squeegie had rounded up the bears since he was already starving!  After supper...
....... as usual Poppa and Squeegie did the dishes - this year Crunchie is also helping.  Later....
............. Poppa and Squeegie were playing games on the computer, while....
........... Taffy took the little bears (Smoothie and Crunchie - the Kraft Bears - I found them in a Christmas package I received from Auntie Colleen and Uncle Shaun - how did she know I wanted them??) and watched TV.  One afternoon Poppa was kind enough to help me....
........... roll some of my skeins into balls for knitting.  We've done a couple more since then - and only have one left to do.  I had a few pairs finished at home - I brought them with me for picture-taking.  I've finished a few pairs here....
........ and I'm working on another pair....
.... which is now finished.  I've started another pair.  Yes - I'm knitting!  Hurray!  Imagine that.  It will be a while before I have enough socks ready to send out, but as soon as I do, the people who said they would like to buy a pair will start receiving pictures so that they can choose. One more thing....

.... I received this picture from Canada, with the following paragraph.... "The weather has been so undecided lately. Until now, it would seem, when it has decided to be winter with a vengeance. This is Gus and I a few weeks ago when the ice was actually breaking up.".... I'm really glad we're in Florida now!  We've been in the pool, the grass is green, the plants are flowering, the palm trees are swaying, we're warm, all is good! 

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