Yes - we're home. Our first day on the road (Friday, April 10th) was verrrrrrrrrrry slow. The traffic was stop-and-go from Florida to West Virginia and we lost about 3 hours of travelling time. Why? Well, simply volume of traffic. It was the weekend after Easter and all the Easter holidayer's as well as a lot of the snowbirds apparently chose that weekend to travel back north - the same as us. Most of the license plates came from Canada or the northern States. Finally just after entering West Virginia we took a toll road and from then onward it was clear sailing! Poppa made "good time" and we still arrived at Munchie's house in time for lunch on Sunday. As usual the drive through the mountains was wonderful - I love the scenery and the houses perched on the hillsides. Unfortunately we left the 95F temps in Florida and the greenery slowly waned until we reached West Virginia where the trees were still bare of any leaves or even little buds. But the weather stayed sunny and the temps were mild for April - so the trip was good! It took us a couple of days to unpack the car and get things organized and I've been working on tax returns since. I have them all finished now and I will post another blog soon.
Our little Munchie....
......... is seen here receiving an award at school. Mommy sent me the picture with this caption "The award was a 'Character' Award for Kindness and always having nice words to others."
There he is on the left in the gray shirt - proudly showing off his certificate! What a guy!
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