Hey everyone! What's new with you? I have some news for you....
..... our beautiful house, which we have taken great pride in, is For Sale. The property is quite large and Poppa's health just isn't good enough for him to maintain it the way he would like to. So, rather than stay here until it is not so nice, we have decided to find another smaller place while this one is still so lovely. You may be wondering why that has kept me from posting for such a long time. Well,
....... here is our parlour on April 24th............and.........
......... here it is today - can you spot the difference? Yes - it has been de-personalized and de-cluttered as per the recommendation of our realtor. We discussed this at great length while we were in Florida this year. We had made so many trips to the ER last fall while Poppa was cleaning and raking the flower beds and the yard, it was scarey, worrisome and stressful for both of us. Poppa felt well the whole time we were in Florida where he doesn't have to do anything unless he feels like it, when he feels like it. Two days after we arrived home, there he was out raking in that acre of property - and I called the realtor. It will be a huge change for us, after spending 22 years here, but it has to be done. We don't know yet where we will be going - I'll keep you advised. Meantime....
......... I have been packing up all those extraneous things and piling them in the garage. You can see by the quantity of empty boxes that I still have lots to do! And outside....
... the forsythia is blooming regardless.
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