Sunday, February 5, 2017

November Memories

November is just a memory now, but I'll show you some of the highlights.........
.... Poppa bought this cute little slow cooker for me..... a red one.... to match the new toaster he bought for me in October.  It is smaller than my large one..........great for just the two of us......... and bigger than the little one - which is just too small for some things.
Aunt Denise was over one day while she and Poppa did some research on-line.  I love this picture - can you see a family resemblance???
Trent was in Orillia to play hockey!  Sean, Lori, Trent and Trinity were all on hand to watch, and Poppa, myself and Curtie all went to watch as well!  The next day they all came for a short visit, but unfortunately the visit was too short.  We both enjoyed the visit immensely though and Curtie thought Sean was funny and nice and wanted to see him again!  Thanks to the Duncans for the visit!!!
Yes, you were reading correctly.  We met Mommy, Munchie and Curtie at the halfway point and we brought Curtie back for a weekend.  It seemed like a short visit....
....... Curtie had enough time for his favourite thing to eat at our place.... toast with butter and peanut butter!  That's an easy meal to get ready!
He had a good time playing with Poppa, Squeegie and Taffy - but a weekend makes a short visit, and soon we took him back to meet Mommy again.  Then it would be Munchie's turn a couple of weeks later.

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