Friday, May 10, 2019

More Projects

I have finished a couple of more projects...
.... one of which required another long length of lace border to be attached....
.... but Taffy gave me a hand with the sewing and the end result was quite nice.  That picture doesn't really show the colors too well though - too bright!
And - this one is too dark - but those are the best pictures I could get that day - the lighting just wasn't favorable!  Anyway - as you can see, this blanket was quite girlie... so ...
...... I took a break from my knitting needles while Curtis came for a couple of days during the school March break.  He was only here for a couple of days because.....
............ Munchie had to have a turn too.  He was happy to see Squeegie, but bored with my household chores, so he was actually watching TV while Poppa was having a coffee with Uncle David.  He was only here for a short time too, and then....
... I got my knitting needles back out again and made a girlie outfit to send to the hospital with the blanket.


  1. I love the lace around the blanket.
    That pink outfit may be my favourite ever and that's saying a lot. Those leaves! It will be snatched up so fast.
    Curtis is growing up so fast! Handsome boy.

  2. Eeek! I see by the hair that Chris was also in there. I missed him tucked in like that. I should have read better. Another handsome boy!
