Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Poppa's Amazing Helper!

Munchie came for a holiday at our place - well he really came to give Poppa a hand with some projects..... so "why" you ask is he so sleepy???

Poor little guy, so cute and soooo tired!  By the way, in case you've lost track, our little Munchie will be 13 in October!  Wow - time flies when you're a grandparent!

But... back to the explanation about our tired Munchie.  He came to help Poppa and he worked really hard - as the above photo shows.  apparently the wheelbarrow needed to be weighted down!

And of course, Poppa needed somebody with good eyes to make sure the patio slabs were straight!

Yep - the wheelbarrow hasn't moved!

Poppa is making headway on those patio slabs though!  They are working on the front walk at one of the other units.  Some of the slabs were broken and/or cracked; some were heaving from frost so the walkway was uneven and dangerous.  When this one was done they had to do another one and, at the end of the day, Poppa was so pleased to have a helper!

On a whole other project, as you can see, Munchie worked while Poppa supervised.  This patio was also uneven and very untidy.  There is a new owner in that unit and they asked Poppa if he could fix it. 

Munchie got right on the job using the pressure washer to clean up!

At the end of the day he was tired, but satisfied with his progress and took a few minutes to check out his phone.  How cute he is!!


1 comment:

  1. That's a lot of work. Good thing Phil had a helper. No wonder Chris was taking naps. I hope Phil got some too.
