So - after Munchie went home, Poppa and Kev-Inn finished up the leaf collecting task in our yard. This is the time of year when that huge yard is not so beautiful! And to think that Poppa has a little tree farm growing, so he can plant some more!
It appears that Poppa was giving instructions while Kev-Inn listened carefully to make sure he got it right! Of course, following this clean-up on Sunday, Poppa worked at Gramma Grace's house, and Aunt Peggy's house during the week - and that is when he damaged his back/chest muscles which put him temporarily out of commission. The doctor told him it would take about two weeks to repair itself. It is still bothering him - but it has been not quite two weeks since it happened. However, he is much improved compared to what it was a week ago, so he is on the mend.
Taffy went out to check the mail yesterday, and came running in excitedly. She had on her running shoes, that she bought in Florida last year - and found she could run quickly. She was a little out of breath when she got into the house, and stood still long enough for me to get a picture of her wearing her pink sneakers. She was still puffing a little from running and was glad to stand still for a few moments. But, as soon as I put the camera down she started chattering about the parcel she had found in the mailbox. It was addressed to me, and she was guessing what was inside, and urging me to open it quickly to see the lovely stuff in there. I bet you are wondering what all the excitement was about - right? Well, the parcel was contained in a stiff paper envelope so I had to get the scissors from the kitchen to open it. Taffy and I peeked inside and this is what we found....
WhooHoo! Some lovely sock yarn to keep my hands occupied on the drive to and from Florida, and probably enough to knit while I watch the View in the mornings after we arrive. That is one of my favourite things about Florida. I get to watch the View. I never have time here...if I'm not at work, then I'm out running errands that I haven't had time to do the rest of the week.... or catching up on the housework......or the laundry..........or the shopping..........or....... well you get the idea anyway. And..speaking of'll never guess what I bought recently. Since Kev-Inn is staying with us for a while, we seemed to be short one chair for watching television in the evenings. We started out looking for a used Laz-E-Boy type chair. We checked e-Bay and Craig's List and Kijiji and found a few. Some of them were too far away and
we didn't want to have to travel too far to fetch one. Others looked like they had been very well well for our liking. Some looked quite nice if you could ignore the horrible colours - like olive green or lime green for instance. Poppa got the brilliant idea that I should get a nice chair for myself and let Kev-Inn use my old chair. Wonderful! I loved that idea! So off we went to our local furniture store to check out the chairs. This is Taffy relaxing in the chosen chair. It is a leather upholstered genuine Laz-E-Boy chair and I am madly in love with it! I can pull my table up close enough that I can actually relax while I type my blog. And when it is time to knit, I put the footrest up partway, ratchet the back slightly and I am comfortable for hours! So nice! Another pat on the back for Poppa! Now - in case you are wondering what Taffy is working on - that is the white sweater that I started such a long time ago. I have finally gotten to the sleeves and it is going much quicker now. Here is a shot.
As you can see it is made from Bernat Soft Boucle. It will take about six skeins. The yarn is indeed very soft and light-weight. As is common with boucle yarn it tends to be slightly more difficult to work with because of the uneven texture of the yarn, but I am quite pleased with it at this point and am looking forward to getting it assembled so I can take some final pictures before I wrap it up ready to go. When I get to Florida I want to work on a project for the contest being sponsored by Lion Brand and Michaels to see if I can win a trip to California to meet Vanna White! What an adventure that would be! Taffy is very fond of Vanna White and admires her greatly...always telling us that she wants to be just like Vanna when she grows up.
New yarn! Such fun. The sweater is beautiful. I'm so glad you are entering the contest! Tell Taffy her new shoes are lovely and she's far above Vanna White already.The chair looks quite comfy. And I'm glad to hear Poppa is healing.