Monday, April 4, 2011

It Was HOT in Florida Today!

How hot was it you ask?  I'll tell you how hot it was.  Since we only have four days left, and we love the beach - Poppa and I decided to visit Siesta Key one more time.   After visiting Sizzlin' Grill for breakfast and stopping at the villa to drop off the bears (it was too hot in the car for their fur) we were all ready for another day at the beach.  We wore our bathing suits, since Poppa thought he would like to go in the Gulf for a swim - and I wanted the option of getting wet.  We stopped for gas and a bottle of Sprite Zero, and headed for the west coast of Florida.  There was quite a lot of traffic.  After driving for about an hour and 45 minutes, the beach was in our view!  The parking lot was jammed, so Poppa sat patiently and waited for another vehicle to leave, so we could pull into their spot.  With anticipation we hopped out of the car and decided to leave our shoes in the trunk, so we wouldn't have to carry them.  We were at the row in the parking lot that was furthest away from the beach, so we set off across the parking lot in our bare feet.  By the time we got to the beach I noticed that my feet were hurting.  Assuming it would be a temporary thing that would disappear when I stood in the water, we carried on.  As usual we strolled along in the surf for about an hour and a half.  During that time Poppa decided to take his plunge into the salty water.  The board on the lifeguard tower said the water temperature was 75F degrees.  It actually did feel quite nice - and he waded out far enough to swim - and then worked his way back to the shore - where I waited with some anxiety as the waves were quite pronounced - but he arrived safely.  Finally we decided it was time to get back to the car and head for home in time for supper.  My feet were really hurting by now so Poppa stooped to get a good look at them - and declared that they were blistered!  All we had done was walk across that hot pavement.  Furthermore, when we arrived back at the villa and I limped out to the pool for a swim - I discovered that Poppa also had blisters on his toes!  OK - definitely the pavement - AND - that's how hot it was in Florida today!

I didn't get any pictures - I didn't want to carry the camera in case I decided to get wet.  I did get splashed in the waves and was damp enough to sit on a plastic bag and a towel on the trip home - so it was good that I didn't bring that camera with me.  But, I can share a picture I received from Auntie Colleen!  This one rather lessened the negative impact of having to return to Canada!  I received it on March 21st.
I was quite pleased to read these words - "Our first shot of our first Robin of Spring."

Of course, I can also show you a picture I received from Mommee of our little grandsons!
Little Smiley is practicing to be a "big boy" and sit on Munchie's booster seat!
Daddee is already working on new house projects!
And, Munchie is dreaming of being an NHL star, while trying on Daddee's hockey helmet! 

It seemed to require an adjustment or two before it felt just right!

But he got it and asked if he could get some skates for Easter (which is looming immediately after our return to that colder climate!).  I'm pretty sure that Daddee suggested he wait until his birthday in October - since they are expecting milder weather soon!

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