Tuesday, April 19, 2011

To Visit Munchie

On Monday morning, we woke up bright and early to a lovely sunshiny day.  We went for breakfast at the restaurant next to the hotel, and drove past the falls one more time.  Although it was early, there were already sightseers out and about....
....and a few natives out for their early morning exercise....
....and although the sun was trying to shine, it was windy and chilly and misty as you can see.  So after that brief drive-by we headed to Munchie's house.  When we arrived in the driveway I took a few minutes to get my first look at their house in person.  The pictures don't really  do it justice - it is really cute and I was very pleased with their choice.  I phoned and asked to speak to Munchie.  We chatted for a couple of seconds and then I asked him if he could open the front door for Poppa.  I watched and saw that front door opening.  Munchie still had the phone in his little hand and when he shouted "POPPA" it almost took out my eardrum!
I didn't think he was ever going to let go of Poppa's neck, but eventually I got my hug too!  And, waiting inside was a really cute couple.  Remember the pictures of Little Smiley and Poppa that I posted for your consideration?  Well...now take a look at these two people!
Yep!  That's Mommee and Little Smiley!  The little guy has grown so much while we were away.  He is sitting up, running in the walker and has developed his own method of mobility which Mommee calls the slap and slide.  He smacks his little hands out in front of him and then slides up to them...so adorable!  After a visit, Poppa and Munchie decided to go and get us a treat for lunch.  Since it was drizzling out, Munchie put on his raincoat, Poppa got his jacket out of the car and away they went.
As you no doubt noticed, it was overcast, drizzly, windy and chilly now that we were really and truly in Canada.   And, typically, the visit was soon over.  Little Smiley went for a nap.  Poppa and Munchie read a couple of stories, Nanna and Munchie had a game of make-believe with Squeegie, Mommee had a shower (while we amused Munchie) and then it was time to go.  Poppa wanted to miss rush hour traffic in the big city - and even so there was a lot of traffic on that busy highway between their house and ours.  On the other hand, it was going to feel good to finally be home!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Mother and son look so much alike in that shot. Beautiful.
    What a great reunion story.
