Thursday, June 30, 2011

Scalliwags and Scarves

Our little scalliwags were here for a visit from Monday to Wednesday.  We all had a great time.  Munchie went out to play on his boat....
...where Poppa gave Grover a helping hand.  They put some sand into the boat, but there wasn't enough to play in.....and Munchie was happy just cruising around.  I think he decided that being a boat captain would be easier than that gardening career he had been considering.  Meanwhile, Little Smiley went trudging around the yard with Mommee....
....he's getting really good at that walking thing!  Later Poppa and Munchie headed into town to visit Great Gramma....
...OOPS!....I was a little late getting out to the driveway with the camera!  But - there they go in Poppa's big truck.  This gave Little Smiley a chance to play with the toys all by himself and to interact with Squeegie too!
A couple of cuties!  Soon it was Wednesday afternoon and it was time for me to change the toy room back into the parlour....
.........which took me a few minutes!  When I had everything back into its place I went looking for Poppa and found Squeegie relaxing on the patio.........
..........and Poppa had decided we should just go out for supper..........we were both worn out from having those active little boys with us..........but it seemed too quiet when they were gone.

The scarf project is off to a good far Taffy has five participants lined up......Mommee, Auntie Colleen, Auntie Denise, Auntie Muffy and Gramma have all sent e-mails.  I have one scarf almost finished and am looking over my stash to start the second one.  I am having lots of fun - thanks to all of you!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what Squeegie is drinking but I'm pretty sure a drunk bear is a dangerous bear *g*.
    The shot of Smiley and Squeegie is sooooooooooo adorable.
