Friday, April 26, 2013


.... is setting in.  We are back in Canada.  In our backyard.....
.... there were still remnants of winter, but...
... the lilies are valiantly making an effort to grow up anyway.  Other plants are sprouting - but no beautiful flowered trees like there was in Florida!  The second day we were home....
.... we had received a skiff of snow overnight.  I was not too impressed and was already longing to return to that sunny villa in the south!  Oh well....
... Poppa went out and moved that blob of snow is now gone!  Even so, it is still..........
......... chilly enough for Taffy and Squeegie to put on their socks and their winter coats when we go out.  On a more positive note - got an e-mail from Auntie Denise to tell me she had accepted a 60-year pin for a member of our Catholic Women's League........
..... and here she is presenting that 60-year pin to the recipient - yes - that is Gramma Grace looking quite pleased to be honoured!  Thank you to Auntie Denise for bringing the pin to Gramma Grace at the Atrium Retirement Home.  Now I must get back to the housework, since I will be going to work next Wednesday.  More later about my latest knitting project.

1 comment:

  1. What a nice photo of Denise and Mum.
    I forgot to look to see what Squeegie and Taffy were wearing today. I hope they were bundled.
