Monday, June 23, 2014

Another AGM

A couple of weeks ago Auntie Cecile arranged a meeting to discuss the situation with Gramma Grace.  There really wasn't much to discuss, since things are pretty much the same.  But.....
...... it was a great excuse to get the sisters together for a visit.  Here is Auntie Colleen, Auntie Cecile and Granny all together in front of an interesting item.  Auntie Cecile had prepared (with some help from Granny!) a tasty lunch.  She served this item for dessert....
......... isn't it priceless!  The ants weren't edible but they certainly added a humorous element to the cake - which incidentally, was very good!  There was a brief discussion about..........
.... who was appears that Auntie Colleen..............oh wait.......
.......... maybe it's Granny who is taller!  Unfortunately, Auntie Marcia wasn't able to attend so there were only four of us.  However, we had a brief, informational meeting and a nice visit.  Gramma Grace is fairly stable, there is more evidence of memory loss and some incidents of confusion - but that is to be expected.  Overall, she seems fairly cheerful and visits are pleasant.  
Thank you Auntie Cecile for the information and the good food and the chance to visit with my sisters!

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