Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Ending A Vacation

As you probably guessed, Poppa is busy doing the spring housecleaning here at the villa.  He likes to leave it just the way we found it, after staying here for three-plus months.  But first....
......... he went over to Denis and Liz's Florida home and did a few things there.  He started by replacing the furnace filter - I didn't think you needed a picture of that!  He also added a bit more mulch to the flowerbeds.........
........ pulled out the worst of the weeds creeping back in........
.......... took a look at the back to see how the flowerbeds were looking there - since he had trimmed back all the shrubs.  He had really trimmed..........
.... these plants and as you can see they are all growing well and blooming - aren't they delicate and pretty?
He had put some weed killer and fertilizer on the grass - and it worked quite well!  The grass looks thick, green and healthy - with only a few weeds here and there.
 He checked out the pool garden to see how all the critters were doing - they all looked happy and warm.
 Then he started raking all the little tree droppings from the driveway.  The live oaks down here start by dropping their leaves and then move on to producing a ton of yellow pollen and then start to drop wispy little seed-bearing sprigs.  The whole process takes about a month/six weeks and things get quite messy during that time!
But, eventually he had raked/swept as many as he could, so he piled them up and put them....
........ into the garbage bucket for pickup on Wednesday (today!).  When we got back to "our" villa.....
........... Poppa decided that he needed to vacuum some of those tree-droppings out of the pool before we went for a swim so....
....... Taffy and Squeegie put on their bathing suits and........
 ...... went outside to supervise.  It was quite warm that day so as soon as he was done the bears moved into the shade and Poppa and I went for that anticipated dip!

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