Tuesday, May 5, 2020

It has been a while...

... since I posted.  With the stay-at-home situation resulting from the COVID-19 virus - I have been busy taking advantage of the situation to get some knitting done - of course, it isn't going anywhere now - but I'll have some ready for the hospital when normalcy resumes (someday I hope!) as per the instructions below!

So - let me see - where did I leave off?  Hmmmmm...........
.... oh yes!  We were in the bus - heading north from Wales to Scotland!  I took this picture so you could see what good company we were in... see the little bear hanging in the window??  Oh my gosh - they knew we were coming!  😊

Our tour guide - James - was using this time to make sure all the plans were coming together - when he wasn't on the microphone telling us about the sights - he did an excellent job of keeping us entertained and informed.

The view out our window just kept getting better.  There are a lot of these hand-crafted stone fences in the farmer's fields in Britain, built many years ago and still sturdy.
This is a view of one of the villages we drove through.... 
 ... the buildings are old and very-well kept, as are all the old buildings in the UK!
 The streets are very narrow - I can't imagine travelling on roads this narrow in Canada!
 Since we were ahead of schedule, and thanks to our very proficient tour guide, we stopped for a boat cruise up the river.  
 You can see that we were not the only "Canadians" visiting (see the "Canada" geese?)..
 The scenery was beautiful - the whole country is beautiful and very green.  I recall asking Phil's Mum one time what she missed most about England, her response was the "green" - she said there was a lot more green in England.  At the time I couldn't figure that one out since we have lots of green in Canada.  But......the green is somehow greener - I can't explain it, but now I know what she meant.
 This was the view out our side of the boat - a little road in the middle of the forest.  I wondered where it went!
 This is a couple of young ladies on our tour.  All our tour-mates were friendly and very nice.  In the background you can see the shape of the boat.
 Another part of "the gang" and the view out the other side of the boat.

And, all too soon, we were back on the bus heading north again, while James worked out tomorrow's details.

1 comment:

  1. I almost hate to tell you but that is no bear. That is Garfield! Cats are good too :).
    I love those stone walls. Gorgeous!
    The towns do look lovely. And the street so narrow! Do they all go one way?
    If England is so green, imagine the Emerald Isle.
    hee! Those Canadians get around.
