Monday, June 15, 2020

Chapter Two!

After another long bus ride home, we arrived back at the hotel in time to get some supper at a local Italian restaurant - excellent service and good food - then returned to our hotel to chill out and retire for a good night's rest.....
...because, in the morning, we had to be up and packed and ready to hail a cab to get to the train station!  I have to pause for a moment and talk to you about cabs in the UK!  We tend to avoid taking a taxi here.  They are never overly clean, the driver is frequently somewhat unkempt, and sometime I have to tell them how to get to where I want to go.  However, hailing a cab in the UK became our favourite means of getting from place to place during the times when we had "free time" to go exploring.  The drivers have to pass a rather intense course - not just in driving, but also information about local sight-seeing favourites, in depth study of the city where they will be driving - and I think they must take a course in being gentile and polite as well!  The whole time we were riding along, we were also being given a crash course/rundown on everything interesting along the way!  It was delightful.  Hence, of course, we arrived at the train station in good time.  Now about the "why" we were taking a train.  We got on the train in London and got off at Birmingham Station.  My camera finger was itching the whole time, but there were lots of people on the bus and we were travelling rather fast and I was constantly watching people, scenery and activities - and before I knew it, the time had arrived for us to disembark.  Our friend David (we rent his house in Florida - he lives in the UK!) was there to pick us up and again there is a serious lack of pictures!  But - it was lovely to see him after all those days of strangers - a friendly, familiar face.  The second chapter of our trip was about to begin!
We arrived at David and Allison's house - which is absolutely lovely - more photos later.
 Here is Poppa with Oliver (David & Allison's grandsom) - this photo sure makes me remember Poppa and Munchie - when Munchie was much younger.  Oliver and Poppa got along very well!
 This end of the room also reminded me very much of our house when Munchie would come to stay with us. (You can see how lovely their house is - underneath the toys.  Warm, comfortable and homey after all those days and nights travelling!
Allison is also a knitter and we spent the evening at our favourite past-time while Clare (Oliver's Mum and their daughter) had a rest and the men chatted.  

1 comment:

  1. What a delightful way to get to the next stage in your journey!
