Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Next Day!....

We returned to David's home the next day.  This is a photo taken from their sunroom.
This is a picture taken at the back of the yard - behind the fence you can see in the first picture.  These large cows were not afraid of us at all.
Also living in the back yard was this adorable rabbit - the picture is not that great - but I didn't want to scare him - isn't he cute?!

 It seemed that Allison spent a lot of time in the kitchen concocting delicious meals..... and always smiling while she did it!  She has a knack for it - that's for sure - I think we both gained weight!
Poppa was doing the same thing he does at home....sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper!

1 comment:

  1. The view! Imagine being able to look out your window and see that landscape. Okay, you don't have to imagine. Wonderful.
    And please please ask David and/or Allison what kind of cattle those might be?
    Sounds like Allison took good care of you.
    I did smile when I saw the photo of Phil reading the newspaper at the table.
    What is the bunny's name?
